What We Crazy Pilots do When Not Flying!!

Pretty simple, really.

Before kids can understand or comprehend everything, they have to be convinced you (parent) do, so they trust you when you say, "Don't touch this!"

The earlier it starts, the less painful the lessons.

When the light breaks inside the kids head, and he/she sees the rules you made were all about protecting them, they'll respect you.

If they figure out it was all about your selfish interests, they'll despise you.

Stuff like that...
Wow. If it's so simple, why do we have so many juvenile delinquents and all around bad people? Did none of their parents care or something?
Wow. If it's so simple, why do we have so many juvenile delinquents and all around bad people? Did none of their parents care or something?

Many times they don't have parents or at least both parents. Also, sometimes people turn out bad for no reason.
Wow. If it's so simple, why do we have so many juvenile delinquents and all around bad people? Did none of their parents care or something?

It's simple, but not easy. It takes a significant amount of energy to remain consistent.

John (Parent of 4, no juvenile delinquents yet)
And I am totally in awe of you guys. Eeech, if I had kids I can only imagine how messed up they'd wind up being. Thanks mondo for propagating the species.
And I am totally in awe of you guys. Eeech, if I had kids I can only imagine how messed up they'd wind up being. Thanks mondo for propagating the species.

We change -- drastically -- once we have children. Most for the better, some, not so much.

The worst part is you know everything you need to after they leave.
Well, in keeping with the text of the thread Title, this crazy pilot last Saturday took the little 20' I/O cuddy cabin boat out on the ocean and went to Boothbay Harbor where the harbor was full of vessels which could eat me alive. I rafted and struck up a conversation with some folks on a Maine-built Wilbur 46, a beauty. And on my way out of the harbor I got busted(almost). I heard a siren behind me; turns out I was slightly over the speed limit inside the harbor. Oh ****! The harbor master beckoned me "over here" and began giving me a controlled lecture. When I told him it was my first time there by boat he looked and said, "Aren't you the camera man?" "Well, I was until I sold the store five years ago."

"Yeah, I bought stuff from you, way back. Let me see your registration; you have life preservers aboard? Next time you're in the Harbor keep the speed down. Nice to see you again."

I couldn't wait to get back to Five Islands to change the proverbial pants.



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We change -- drastically -- once we have children. Most for the better, some, not so much.

The worst part is you know everything you need to after they leave.

So you can give them advice for your grandchildren! :yesnod: I still have a while to wait, although I have two out of the house.

I once read that "Physically adults produce children. Spirtually, children produce adults."
