I think bush planes are awesome if you have a place to take them, I don't think it's misguided at all. In norcal I think there are some good places for that, it would be so fun! The NX cub is definitely a unique aircraft! I would love one especially if it was the version that you can convert to a taildragger with a few tools and a few a hours. Personally I fly a carbon cub just for fun, not really to build experience though. I can't think of anything I'd really rather have than my cub, if I'm footing the bill myself. It is simple, has great avionics & autopilot, Does 115 knots true on 8.50's, and I've finally reached a knowledge point where I can do most of the maintenance myself, including signing off the condition inspection on my own (even though I still hire an IA to come check my work). If you have the cash for an NXcub, I say go for it! There will be plenty of people that poo-poo the cost and the nosewheel, but you know what, a lot of that comes from a place of jealously for affording the airplane, and I say that as someone who couldn't afford a brand new NXcub. If you could do a builder assist experimental NXcub at the CC factory, that would be something I doubt you'd ever regret.
What I would choose would be entirely budget dependent, but honestly for your area and experience level, and if you're not looking to land ont he side of a mountain, but want something that can handle 1000ft grass/gravel all day, a cessna 182B could be a great airplane. A good one should be obtainable for under $100k. Maintenance will be the tricky point because there's no way around it on 60+ year old airplanes. Personally I would budget at least $5000/year for maintenance on one. Would I rather have a Carbon Cub or an NXcub, yes, as long as I didn't need to cruise at 130 knots or carry 4 people, which I don't. But you could save at least 1/4 million on the cost of acquisition of a 182.
Also, a 172 has such a huge range of what it can be. Check out
907 greenbean to see how far one could take one by keeping it light and adding power.