What is your "CI?" Cylinder Index

We’ve made a few changes as well.

My car: 6
Wife’s SUV: 6
Pickup: 6
Push mower: 1
Riding mower: 2
Weed whacker: 1
Edger: 1
Leaf blower : 1
Power washer: 1

Here’s where it gets sticky. There’s the airplane with 4, but I’m only 1/4 owner, so do I get to count all 4 or only the one? And I’ve got a compressor with two more, but it’s driven by an electric motor. Do they count?

So either 26, or 29, or 31 total. And the turbo index is down to three.

Oh. Wait. I just remembered there’s an R/C .40 in the basement, so there’s one more.

Edit: Oh crap!! How could I have forgotten the 289 sitting on the engine stand in the garage? I literally look at it every single day. +8, for somewhere between 35 and 40 depending on how you count them...

I'm going to say that according to the rules, since you're a quarter owner of the airplane you get one cylinder of it. I also think that you only get to count a cylinder that has combustion going on in it, otherwise we'd have to count brake calipers and wheel cylinders.
Well crap I wish I hadn't clicked on this thread. This is going to take a while.

22 chevy pickup 8
97 chevy pickup 8
01 Suburban 8
22 Van 6
Triumph rocket 3
Sportster 2
Boat 8
Airplane 6
2x semis 12
Combine 6
3x big tractors 18
7x Antique tractors 22
2x small tractors 8
2x Water pumps 2
Mower 2
Chainsaw 1
Weed eater 1
Blower 1
58 ford truck 8
66 Ford pickup 8
80 Trans Am 8
46 dodge 6

Total 154

Batteries. Tires. It never ends.

Is there a turbo index? I have seven of those :D

Now that's the difference between an amateur and a pro.
Damn it, I think @Jim K might have me beat. Updating...

Tractors: 16 (4x 4-cyl tractors)
Bulldozer: 4
Lawn Mowers: 6 (2x 2-cyl, 2x 1-cyl)
Ram: 6
Bus: 9 (6-cyl CAT + 3-cyl Onan)
Cobra: 8
RX-7: Umm.... rotary.... so.... 2? (@Half Fast help!)
Land Rover: 12 (V8 in the car plus the 4-cyl CAT C4.4 that's going in it)
Motorcycles: 10 (including the kids bikes and the 1-cyl cheap Chinese dirt bike that lives in my shop, so I'm counting it)

So that's at 73. Even if you count a couple of engine blocks I have sitting around and things like chainsaws, Jim wins on quantity and, horsepower.

@James_Dean had previously claimed 160, though, so assuming that hasn't changed much, he still wins. ;)
I need more, here is my measly number
Cars- 3-V8’s
Plane- boxer-4
Yard equipment 6-single
Two combustion chambers but each rotor gives 3 compression/power cycles per chamber, so that would be equivalent to 6. Split the difference and call it four?

I still lose. Darn. :(
Let’s see....

Old truck - 8
New truck - 6
Car - 6
Motorcycle - 3
Three generators @ 1ea - 3
Airplane - 4
Chainsaw - 1
Tractor - 1

TOTAL = 32

Pretty lame....
Damn it, I think @Jim K might have me beat. Updating...

Tractors: 16 (4x 4-cyl tractors)
Bulldozer: 4
Lawn Mowers: 6 (2x 2-cyl, 2x 1-cyl)
Ram: 6
Bus: 9 (6-cyl CAT + 3-cyl Onan)
Cobra: 8
RX-7: Umm.... rotary.... so.... 2? (@Half Fast help!)
Land Rover: 12 (V8 in the car plus the 4-cyl CAT C4.4 that's going in it)
Motorcycles: 10 (including the kids bikes and the 1-cyl cheap Chinese dirt bike that lives in my shop, so I'm counting it)

So that's at 73. Even if you count a couple of engine blocks I have sitting around and things like chainsaws, Jim wins on quantity and, horsepower.

@James_Dean had previously claimed 160, though, so assuming that hasn't changed much, he still wins. ;)
I don't think "win" is the right word :confused:

Each and every one of those is a pain in my ass to some degree. I've got two batteries on the bench in my office right now that I'm trying to resurrect after they froze :mad:. Battery cutoff switches are my best friend.
I'm not following the logic behind the rocket conversion factor. It numerically favors longer rockets, yet the 14 Cox .049 powered control line planes sitting in your basement get exactly the same credit as the three story high Sulzer marine diesel sitting in your container ship anchored a mile offshore from your house.
I don't think "win" is the right word :confused:

Each and every one of those is a pain in my *** to some degree. I've got two batteries on the bench in my office right now that I'm trying to resurrect after they froze :mad:. Battery cutoff switches are my best friend.

Truthfully I agree. I'd like to get rid of some of these things. I could quit my job and still be full time working on all this stuff.
Is there a prize? I’m not understanding the point here. Someone pls explain. It’s a great question for some environmental group to ask rich ahole plane guys

I know some motorcycle nuts with hundreds (I did say nuts) so I win haha
I think I'm up to 21 now.

Both cars are V6s.
Plane is a 6.
Tug is a 1.
Mower is 1.
Snow blower is 1.
We had a couple of new arrivals, one that I think is interesting, so here's the updated list:

My car: 4 cylinder horizontally opposed boxer, 2.0 liter, turbocharged
Wife's car: 4 cylinder inline, 2.5 liters, hybrid
Daughter #1's car: 3 cylinder inline 1.5 liters, turbocharged
Daughter #2's car: 4 cylinder inline, 1.5 liters, turbocharged
Grocery getter/track rat/manual transmission fun car: 4 cylinder inline 2.0 liters, turbocharged.
Boat: 2 x 4 (two 1.8l inline 4's)
Waverunner: 4 (1.8l inline 4)
Lawn mower: 1
Edger: 1
Chainsaw: 1
Pressure Washer: 1
EDIT: String trimmer: 1
Total : 36

The triple resides in a Ford Bronco Sport, a vehicle of which I was unaware until about a week ago. Daughter #1 and my wife were losing faith in her Jeep, and I was instructed to find a replacement. I made a couple of suggestions, she looked at two, and fell in love the the Bronco Sport. She lives in Florida now, the title's in her name, but her mom and I are paying for the car until she finishes grad school, so I'm claiming it in the family fleet.
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I will never understand people's need to engage in nonsense on the internet.

Maybe I'm missing a social gene in my DNA...
RV-8: 4
Goldwing: 6
Tacoma: 6
Prius: 4
Lawn tractor: 2
Pressure washer: 1
Leaf blower: 1
Weedwacker: 1
Chainsaw: 1
Generator: 1

Cylinder index: 27

I want to reduce that number. I hired out lawn service almost two years ago, so no need for the trimmer, and the chainsaw no longer has a use, nor will it. I’d like to get rid of the car, too. We can do fine with only one cage.
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What about cylinders not part of an engine? I’ve got a 2-cylinder air compressor. The cylinders do work, but not rotary work…
Mine has gone up by 2 from the Mooney to the Lance, but down by 6 for the Tacoma to the Tesla, and then up 9 more for the CJ6, for a net of +5
What about cylinders not part of an engine? I’ve got a 2-cylinder air compressor. The cylinders do work, but not rotary work…

From Post 1
So, a very important measurement, albeit under utilized, is the Cylinder Index. The Cylinder Index, (CI for short) is a measure of one's Otto Cycle machines (4 stroke), Clerk and Day cycle (2 stroke), Wankel engines (rotary), Brayton/Juul (6 cycle), and continuous combustion (gas turbine, rocket).
Latest update: 34

Strange is the number of these that are horizontally opposed, 18.
45 right now.

SRF race car - 4
M3 LTW - 6
E46 M3 - 6
2000 Grand Cherokee (dad's but living with me) - 8
2001 Grand Cherokee (mine) - 8
Mooney 252 -6
CAP - 10 - 4
Snow blower - 1
Generator - 2

Not counting dead lawn mower or 20+ model airplane engines.
What about cylinders not part of an engine? I’ve got a 2-cylinder air compressor. The cylinders do work, but not rotary work…
I think the rule is that there has to be (intentional) combustion going in in that cylinder for it to count.
I'm down to 4. Or 8 if you count the Other Person's truck.

Edit, 5, given that there is a damaged but operable .60 glow plug RC aircraft engine sitting in a box in the garage.
Now I want to go out the shop and count the model airplane and helicopter engines. :D
Since last count, I sold two 2-cylinder JD's, but became responsible for a 4-cylinder Farmall. I bought a spare semi tractor, sold a 4 cylinder utility tractor, and replaced it with a new turbocharged 4 cylinder. Also bought the Grand Marquis for the kids to drive. So CI up to 168, Turbo Index up to 9. Moving in the wrong direction.
I'm not going to count the old RV since, although it's still on my property, it's also sold. So I think that gets me to, let's see:

2017 Ram - 6
2022 Alfa - 6
Prevost: 6
1997 Land Rover Discovery - 8
Cobra - 8
Allis Chalmers - 4
RX-7 - 2-rotor
Motorcycles - 11 (including kids, not including my friend's that lives in my shop)
Lawn mowers and lawn implements - around 10
Cat D4 - 4
Cat C4.4 that needs to go in the Land Rover - 4

67 cylinders (including 20 diesel cylinders), 2 rotors, and 5 turbos, although 4 of those cylinders and 1 of those turbos are going to eventually replace an 8 cylinder engine.

That's a reduction from the last time this came, and that's the right direction - I actually want to keep on reducing that number.
I am the soul keeper of 13 leaf blowers
What religious traditions hold that leaf blowers have souls?! Kindly advise...


PS: I am advised that perhaps you conflated soul and sole, as in either solitary or maybe even the bottom of your foot?

Truck 4
Car 4
chainsaws 2
Trimmer 1

JD mower 1
JD mower 1
JD mower 1
JD mower 2
JD tractor 3
Farmall 4
CB 750 4

Airplane 4
JD mower 1
golf cart 1
VF750f 4

Motorhome 10

What I didn't count: a CB750 engine in pieces, an XL175 I am
slowly putting back together, a JD mower with a blowed up engine, a snowblower with a bad engine on the scrap pile and an RC Citabria with a gas engine that I have in my hangar as a decoration.
And yes I like John Deere mowers and garden tractors and Honda motorcycles.