This thread is intended for both CFI's and students, alike.
The purpose of this thread is to pull from everyone's experience so that I can better myself and my instruction for the student while making some sort of livable wage for myself.
My Skymaster job that I had came to a close a few months back (yay? lol). With that happening and not any paying jobs coming into view (with my TT), I have decided to take the CFI route in regards to experience/flight time/"career."
With that being said, I have been doing reading online for instructor pay scales at FBO's and as independent contractors. It's a huge "can of worms" as far as I'm concerned, but I did have a few questions for those on here:
How do you charge your student? It seems that charging for the entire time the CFI is booked leads to a better value as well as student/instructor interaction.
Are you independent or work for a school/FBO? Did you prefer one over the other?
How do you define value in regards to your student?
What do you do if some the weather or maintenance or some other outside force has to cancel the lesson scheduled for that day?
Do you feel your current CFI is worth what they charge?
Would you prefer to restructure the way your lessons are conducted?
Would you rather be charged for the entire booked time or when the CFI is actively teaching? The booked time is assuming you have the CFI's undivided attention the entire block (aka nothing else matters to him).
How do you define value relating to your flight lessons?
What would you change, if you could change anything?
The purpose of this thread is to pull from everyone's experience so that I can better myself and my instruction for the student while making some sort of livable wage for myself.
My Skymaster job that I had came to a close a few months back (yay? lol). With that happening and not any paying jobs coming into view (with my TT), I have decided to take the CFI route in regards to experience/flight time/"career."
With that being said, I have been doing reading online for instructor pay scales at FBO's and as independent contractors. It's a huge "can of worms" as far as I'm concerned, but I did have a few questions for those on here:
How do you charge your student? It seems that charging for the entire time the CFI is booked leads to a better value as well as student/instructor interaction.
Are you independent or work for a school/FBO? Did you prefer one over the other?
How do you define value in regards to your student?
What do you do if some the weather or maintenance or some other outside force has to cancel the lesson scheduled for that day?
Do you feel your current CFI is worth what they charge?
Would you prefer to restructure the way your lessons are conducted?
Would you rather be charged for the entire booked time or when the CFI is actively teaching? The booked time is assuming you have the CFI's undivided attention the entire block (aka nothing else matters to him).
How do you define value relating to your flight lessons?
What would you change, if you could change anything?