I used to put them in my PowerTow tug. Rarely had to add any other fuel..
In reality, you avoid no environmental risk from lead at all from not dumping avgas on to the ramp, simply because it's going to end up on the ground eventually anyway, after being dispersed in the air after combustion.
I throw it on the ramp.
All the comments about toxic waste are interesting. Evaporating a 1/2 cup on the ramp is criminal, flying above the city and atomizing gallons is a fun way to spend an afternoon.
The environmental hazard from dumping avgas on the ramp is the possiblity that lead residue could be transported from the surface via rainfall runoff to some sort of surface water source or aquifer. The liquid petroleum component disperses in to the atmosphere almost immediately. The quantity of such is less than would normally evaporate from the tanks anyway.
In reality, you avoid no environmental risk from lead at all from not dumping avgas on to the ramp, simply because it's going to end up on the ground eventually anyway, after being dispersed in the air after combustion.
It's leaded gasoline. Lead is pretty nasty stuff. I don't want to contribute to putting any more into the groundwater (or storm drain runoff) than I can avoid. It may not be in the FARs, but it's likely addressed somewhere in your local or state laws.
To me, it's not a matter of being so cheap that I need to re-use an ounce of (uncontaminated) fuel, but that I'm not so lazy to figure out what to do with a jar full of toxic waste.
No way I'm pouring that in the ground. Most airports I've seen (east coast) have big signs about all the laws you are violating if you dump gas, and they have a collection area if you can't or won't re-use.
But over a far greater area and not concentrated in a place that can be declared contaminated and require a cleanup that will bankrupt your airport.
Unless you burn mogas.
I flick it airborne 2 feet in front of me and ignite it
Just kidding
In my old BMW E30, I replaced the fuel pump but forgot the gasket. I was filling her up and noticed that it was taking an unusually large amount of fuel. I looked down and it's pouring out everywhere. Whoops! That was a scary drive home.
Glad you didn't live in Florida when you pulled off that ( oops.)... The hippies there would have slapped you with a 50,000 dollar fine for a single event... http://www.dot.state.fl.us/aviation/environment.shtm.
That hippie thing cuts both ways..
Glad you didn't live in Florida when you pulled off that ( oops.)... The hippies there would have slapped you with a 50,000 dollar fine for a single event... http://www.dot.state.fl.us/aviation/environment.shtm.
That hippie thing cuts both ways..