OK. Here's what I've been waiting to see. Definitely some surprises.
18:06:40 oil pressure drops ~10 psi
18:06:51 Alternator stops making power: oil on belt or on brushes?...this is probably the onset of the noise we heard
18:07:19 I saw the oil and pulled power back a bit, oil pressure drops ~50 psi to the mid-teens
18:12 Landing happened somewhere in here. Power to idle, oil pressure is in single digits.
18:14 shutdown
I was really expecting to see the RPM's jump when the oil pressure dropped. I guess the oil was trapped in the prop? Does this mean something? Can't quite wrap my head around it.
I'm not feeling great about the oil pressure being that low for that long. I also can't believe how fast it dropped! Like 45 seconds from 78-12. The temperature doesn't appear on the above graph, but it went from 178-185, peaking at 18:07, then slowly falling to 150 by shutdown. Maybe the oil was gone and it was measuring the air temp in the case?
Here's a link to the .jpi flie if anyone wants to take a deep dive & tell me what happened:
I couldn't figure out how to pull out just the last flight, so there's a bunch in there. Obviously it's the last one....
It also logged gps points, which I didn't realize it did. I was 11 miles from the airport when it happened.