Pattern Altitude
I made a couple posts where I was trying to see if anyone can get a 70's model 172 within CG limits for Utility category. Several replies confirmed that they could. So, I'm now questioning the empty weight numbers on this rental. Does anyone have a 1970's or similar model weighing report that I can compare to this one? It looks like they weighed it with full fuel, I don't know if that is typical. I don't know where they got their arm values for the nose gear and rear gear for the total weight arm, but I think if there is an error, this is where it is introduced. I'm not sure where they got their arm numbers for subtracting the fuel, or the quantity they used to obtain the empty weight and CG, but they used 40 gallons at 47.92, POH seems to suggest(based on the loading graph) that it should be 38 gallons at 48.21(or so). Maybe they were trying to average unusable fuel in with usable? Even using the other arm of 48.21, its still way aft of where the example 'airplane' in the POH CG is and still way out of range of ever obtaining Utility in any loading. Unless there is a bowling ball mounted in the tail, I don't see how the empty CG could be that far back. The 'example' airplane in the POH has an empty arm of 37.3 inches, with full oil.