Touchdown! Greaser!
Last week I met the pilot/owner of a two seat powered parachute and I think he might even be a CFI-SP for that category. He insisted that his aircraft will "Weathervane" directly into the wind if you don't touch the "steering" controls while still in the air and that as a result it can be relied on to head directly into the wind by itself for landing in a field. I tried to explain that the craft has no reference to the wind direction unless some portion is in contact with the ground and although he agreed with that he still insisted that the weathervaning tendency was there. I offered to bet him $100 that he was wrong and he actually accepted in front of mutual friends although I wouldn't really take his money if and when he's proven wrong. I suspect that what he's actually experienced is the ease with which a pilot of a slow moving aircraft can visually sense the wind direction and is able to subconsciously steer the ship directly into the wind by such cues. The really unfortunate side of this is that it appears that he's' teaching this untruth to others.