Taxi to Parking
It does, actually. There's a cover that must be broken off to reveal the emergency release, presumably so that baggage doesn't either trip or foul up the mechanism.Does it cost you anything to try it for yourself?
If I ever die in a crash, I *expect* all of you to second guess everything I did, and I hope it helps you not do whatever I did. Just realize that I'm not an idiot (most of the time), so look beyond the easy "that was dumb" answer and ask how someone who was in that situation could have made that mistake.I have no problem second guessing a fellow pilot when there is a lesson to be learned that might save me or someone else. Trying to continue to 24 was a bad decision and got him killed.
Sorry, my bad. To clarify, I meant short relative to most other airports, not short relative to the landing distance an RV is capable thing that i want to point out, is your statement that fullerton is short. thats a problem i see in GA today. the published landing distance for a 260hp RV-10 is 525ft. the runway is 3121ft/. not short at all.
That's another thing we don't think about nearly enough. We tend to focus on runways far too much. My Mooney takes closer to 2000 feet for takeoff and landing, but I'd MUCH rather roll off the end of the runway at 30 knots than spin in short of the runway because I "needed" enough runway to stop.
Yes, and it bugs me that there are so many CFIs who pencil-whip flight reviews and so many pilots who give those CFIs business. If I hire you as a CFI, I want you to kick my ass! You're on board to make me a better pilot. So make me do the hard things, overload me, teach me new techniques that I might not have heard of. The worst outcome is a flight review is to be told "You're all good, here's a signature."its one of the problems with the flight review process and CFI's. to many reviews are just paperwork exercise and an hour of what the pilot normally does.