Touchdown! Greaser!
Steve, a good friend and founder of the company I recently worked for died last night when his SR-22 crashed during a landing attempt at his home base (KMIC). I'm the one that introduced Steve to GA on an Angel Flight which reignited a long dormant desire to fly. I mentored him through his flight training over the last several years culminating in his passing his instrument rating early this year. He called me last Friday while I was at Gastons asking for advice on how to "deal with weather" and indicated that he felt his IR training didn't really teach him much about that aspect of instrument flight. We talked at length about how the various sources of weather information can be used during preflight planning and while enroute. All I know at this point is that he was on an IFR flight from the Memphis area and was landing in rain around 10PM last night. This one's gonna hit hard.