Why do you think this is about you?
Let me clarify this, since you seem to be lost regarding what you're posting about:
In post #1, the OP mentioned that the airport operator spoke to him on the radio, most likely from the ground, and perhaps from a handheld radio.
In post #21, a joke was made, suggesting that the pilot could harass the airport by reporting them to the FCC for operating an unlicensed radio.
In post #30, I remarked upon this joke, with pleasure, adding my own joke that this would frighten the airport.
In post #40, you replied with the irrelevant remark "You don't need one as a pilot in the US."
In post #47, another poster helpfully explained to you that a license was needed when using the radio away from the plane.
Finally, in post #48, as quoted above, you continued to express your thought that this is all about you and your use of a radio in your plane.