Three unique things...

One day flying west across PA in a PA-28/160 Warrior I saw 60 knots GS. Trucks on the Turnpike were passing me.

We were getting about 50 kts GS coming home from Ohio to PA in the helicopte. All the cars on the interstate were passing us... and you know they thought we were cops. :)
190 knots in a Cherokee 235... :thumbsup:

....being that I get 133 knots at 75% in calm winds. :raspberry:

Yeah, I get close to 140 KTAS on 180 HP. What's your fuel burn at 75%?

Yeah, I get close to 140 KTAS on 180 HP. What's your fuel burn at 75%?


Shaddup. :D 15.3 GPH or a bit less with altitude. :(

I've talked to some who get better than that but that's what I plan on.
Mine would be mostly military; some civil; in no particular order:
Spend two days in a country we were never in: unmarked fatigues and weapons; wall extracted on what was called a McGuire rig by a hovering helo. Shot at many times, only seriously hurt once (that was on this mission). Once was enough for me <g>

Had tactical air superiority in all of RVN at least twice: called in all the air support they could launch and expended all the 500 and 1,000 pound ordinance they could deliver those days (wonder what that cost taxpayers).

Carried five pounds of military explosives and various and sundry things like trip flares, and illumination canisters in the back of a Ford Mustang through what turned out to be the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Wonder how that would go if Lisa had been on the job and pulled me over.

Was interviewed by two Army CID agents after being accused of forging Vietnamese currency. It was a prank, but they didn't have much of a sense of humor.

Learned to salom ski on the Vam Co Dong River near Cambodia border behind a Navy river patrol boat. They cautioned me not to fall as it would be difficult for them to turn around if any enemy fire erupted.

Flew front seat in the second air conditioned Cobra in RVN (I was told).

Had my Yamaha R-1 speedometer pegged each lap on the College Station race tract (over 160), was pulled over on the way doing the same. Since sold that; flying is safer.

Flew an TN A-36 at FL250 from Dallas to Norfolk, VA on oxygen. The mask leaked a bit.

Had to clean up a CH-34 helo with open doors once after making quite a mess in it (won't dwell on the details.)

Flew lead for NC One through Fort Bragg when he visited.

Watched the USS New Jersey fire one evening while on the hospital ship USS Sanctuary.

Landed in a tree once during a night parachute jump from a C-130. Was the nicest landing I ever made. Stopped about three feet above he ground as the chute snagged in the tree above me.

Rode in the back of a Viet C-47 in RNV. When it accelerated, varous animals and other stuff slid to the rear until the tail came up; then, the owners scurred to the back to re-claim their preciouis possessions. Would have really been a tough W&B calcualtion for the crew if they ever performed one.


Best I can do:

I was just a user at that point; didn't know how it was all developed. We actually had several different rigs that had small differences. The one I actually came out on was referred to as an Air Force rig. But, in general, they were all casually called McGuire rigs.


Carried five pounds of military explosives and various and sundry things like trip flares, and illumination canisters in the back of a Ford Mustang through what turned out to be the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Wonder how that would go if Lisa had been on the job and pulled me over.

I don't know, but it would have definitely been an "oh s#!t" moment for both of us! lol
1. I used to be an on-call volunteer translator of French documents for the Smithsonian Institution.
2. I've driven both a Mercedes and a BMW at 100+ on the Autobahn (in the Benz, topped out at 220kmph which is ~ 137).
3. Slept in a loft of a barn in Normandy during the 60th anniversary celebrations of the D-Day landings. I bet that cot was in existence during said landings, too. On night two I decided to opt for my car instead.
4. Oooh another one. I took my Mom on a private after hours tour of the Vatican. (well, private meaning only 20 of your closest other-tourists, as opposed to 5000).

This is fun to read!
Sorry Elizabeth, Also drove a Mercedes C180 Kompressor at over 140 MPH on the Autobahn. Also got great gas mileage.
(1) Flew Jumpseat in a South African Airways 747 flight from over the Mediterranean into Frankfurt, Germany in 1992. All the way to final approach, then had to scurry back to my seat in economy.
(2) Climbed over 2,000 meters in a Grob Twin Astir (solo) without a barograph in South Africa. Front moving in pushed me all the way, and nothing worked on getting me down for about an hour.
(3) Held a two-week old lion and cheetah cub on two different occasions in Namibia and South Africa.
Me and my wife Essie have almost been married all of our life. We went together in HS and got married the summer after we graduated. 1952-2008 = 56 years, and counting. :crazy:
When the marriage is wonderful, it seems like you've always been married to each other all you life.

Yeah - I tell my wife it seems like we've been married forever. Then I duck. But I mean it in a good way, I really can't remember what life was like before.

Sorry Dave, I'll see your and raise you two more!

I"ll add my three cents:
1. Had the Northern Lights sillohoutte the KC-10 while I was in contact in a B-52H on my way to "bomb" Scotland. Really beautiful.

2. Had Chuck Yeager shake my hand while attending the premier of "The Right Stuff" at the Fox theater in Atlanta.

3. Flew 4 humans, 1 mutt, 1 greyhound, and 2 raccoons in a PA-32 from Atlanta to Spruce Creek for Thanksgiving. Freaked out the line boy in Leesburg during the weather stop when he stuck his nose up to the kennel and a coon grabbed him.

I'll save the rest incase I get any bumped.
Hopefully I'll have a better list with some more age:

  1. When I was 10 I was in an old hangar that was ripped to pieces by straight-line wind. Airplanes tossed hundreds of yards, roof removed, etc.
  2. I took a web design job when I was 12 years old. Started a business when I was 13-14. Made about $1500 a month at the peak in profit and sold it 2 years later.
  3. I've spent approximately 25% of my entire life at the keyboard of a computer. I've spent approximately 50% of the last 12 years of my life at the keyboard of a computer. I've interacted socially with people through a keyboard more in my life then I have in person. As a result, I can type really fast. sigh. :)
I've interacted socially with people through a keyboard more in my life then I have in person. As a result, I can type really fast. sigh. :)

I'm not up to the first half of this one, but this second half that I quoted I definitely fit into.

I'm sure you're a faster typist than I am, but I'm pretty quick... getting a lot of comments about "Wow, you type really fast." Also, as I'm typing this I'm looking off to my right at the florescent lights in the ceiling. ;)
Me and my wife Essie have almost been married all of our life. We went together in HS and got married the summer after we graduated. 1952-2008 = 56 years, and counting. :crazy:

I married my HS sweetheart, too. But, I was born in 1952, so you've got a little head start. 35 years and counting for us. :yes:
... As a result, I can type really fast. sigh. :)

I can (four finger) type really fast, too. Now about 60% of what I type is error free.

zI vcna tyeopwe reallyu datst , too. Now about 60% is error free. :rolleyes2:
Hopefully I'll have a better list with some more age:

  1. When I was 10 I was in an old hangar that was ripped to pieces by straight-line wind. Airplanes tossed hundreds of yards, roof removed, etc.
  2. I took a web design job when I was 12 years old. Started a business when I was 13-14. Made about $1500 a month at the peak in profit and sold it 2 years later.
  3. I've spent approximately 25% of my entire life at the keyboard of a computer. I've spent approximately 50% of the last 12 years of my life at the keyboard of a computer. I've interacted socially with people through a keyboard more in my life then I have in person. As a result, I can type really fast. sigh. :)

Jesse, you've left out some of your best material:

I'll bet that not too many of us have made a Mn to La and back motorcycle trip over a weekend (to visit a young woman, of course)

And who else here was accused of "cracking" the old beat up wheel pant on a club airplane by hitting a runway light?
1. Am probably the only person in the world that was born in a Camp Fire Girls camp (My parents were resident caretakers at a camp in the Missouri ozarks).

2 The mid-wife attending my birth was my grandmother

3. Circumnavigated the earth twice propelled by nuclear power. (USS Enterprise Operation Sea Orbit and a Vietnam deployment starting in Norfolk and ending in San Francisco.

4. Became a Shellback at 0 degress North/South/East/West (Crossed the equator initially at the prime meridian)

5. Have been higher on foot than I have ever piloted my airplane (Mount Whitney)

6. Have had a German security clearance (as Operations Manager of a nuclear power plant near Koblenz)
Sorry Elizabeth, Also drove a Mercedes C180 Kompressor at over 140 MPH on the Autobahn. Also got great gas mileage.

Doesn't have to be a DB or a BMW to top 100mph on the autobahn. My German Ford 2.1 liter family sedan would reach 120.
Doesn't have to be a DB or a BMW to top 100mph on the autobahn. My German Ford 2.1 liter family sedan would reach 120.

Heck, I think I got quite a bit more out of a VW Golf going flat out on the Autobahn assuming the speedometer was accurate.

I got 3 merit badges from Col. Dave Pergrin, commander of the 291 Combat Engineers (First across the Rhine and the unit that discovered the Malmedy massacre).
Just out of curiosity, is this a record setting thread: 235 posts with 4,147 views?
It's a great thread, but Dr. Dave's Friday Joke Day thread still reigns supreme...

686 and counting.

And..The top 10 threads are: