Touchdown! Greaser!
I got this idea from a blog entry I read. List three things you've done/experienced/seen that you don't think anybody else on POA has done. If somebody also claims an item you've claimed, you both have to strike it off your list and add a new item. Can be aviation related, or not. It's not a "brag about yourself" thread, it's "just for fun", to get to know your fellow POA members better... and it's an interesting exercise to try and reminisce about what things "unique" you've done in your life.
I'll start, just to get the ball rolling.
I'll start, just to get the ball rolling.
- I flew jumpseat in a 777 cockpit (British Airways) from FL410 to the gate in Gatwick, December 1999, at the captain's invitation.
- I visited Lyme Park, a British estate near Disley in the county of Chesire. It was used as the location of the home ("Pemberley") of Mr. Darcy in BBC's 1995 adaptation of Pride and Prejudice.
- I met Mike Melville (SpaceShip One pilot) and obtained his autograph on the AOPA cap I was wearing.