my point is that anyone local can install the DME. To get your paperwork right for the gps requires paying someone at an avionics shop. Plus, CDI aside the gps is going to need an annunciator. It's a whole lot of work compared to a dme, I've installed both myself in my planes. Putting in a dme is literally a morning's task; a gps is a weekend plus a couple evenings
but on the topic of cheap gps's, IMO the early garmin boxes (300/300XL) have an interface that is much better than the horrible king units. The map or lack thereof doesn't really come into play these days - we all have maps on our tablets and the cdi is the "real" nav regardness. I put a no-map 300 in my travel air, and i can't think of any other way to go from /A to /G with an all-in cost less than $3k