"With you" is also annoyingly redundant to me as well.
However, that opinion has become tempered somewhat. Many, many times while IFR or VFR flight following, I'll have the following exchange:
ATC facility doesn't matter, let's say it's Indy Center:
Indy Center: Cessna 123, contact Indy Center on 123.45.
Me: Indy Center on 123.45, Cessna 123.
(change frequencies)
Me: Indy Center, Cessna 123 (that's all I'm required and expected to say. Altitude confirmation isn't needed since it's the same facility.)
Indy Center: Cessna 123, Indy Center, go ahead.
Me (awkwardly): Um, just checking in, Cessna 123.
Indy Center: Roger, altimeter 30.17.
Me: 30.17, Cessna 123.
So, I'm not required or expected to say anything else other than my callsign when changing frequencies within the same facility. The next controller took the handoff, and should know about me, but it often seems as if it's a surprise, or he thinks I have a request. When you change facilities, you're expected to say your current altitude for Mode C verification, but not with the same facility.
To avoid this, I've just started saying my altitude on ANY handoff between radar controllers. It's redundant and unnecessary, but it seems to help reduce transmissions.
So although I don't like "with you", I could see a similar benefit to saying that instead.