Theft from plane


Pre-takeoff checklist
Mar 11, 2005
Fanwood, NJ
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Went to my Cherokee today and discovered my landing light completely missing--removed the whole assembly, must have gone under the cowling to disconnect the wire, and just took the whole thing. So I'll start dealing with replacing it Monday morning, but had the police come out to make a report in the meantime.

Very aggravating. And idea the cost to replace it? Is this typically something that goes through an insurance claim, or what?
Wow. That's pretty low.
Isn't it a FEDERAL crime to tamper with aircraft? Who do you call and how aggressive will they be pursuing it. Do the police follow up with the FEDs?
What is the situation, tied outside at a small airport with little night activity, no lights, no security? Someone reported a stolen prop here last year I think.
Tough one, Matt. Any insurance? You'd think there was someone in the area who may have heard of an owner looking for that part. Any fingerprints in the usual greasy cowl?
Check the rest of the airplane over real good before you fly it again.
Stealing parts off an aircraft is in fact a Federal offense (18 USC 32a) that should be reported to the FBI, as well as a violation of state law on theft reported to the local authorities. If someone is killed as a result, the death penalty applies (18 USC 34). One hopes the local folks did the proper crime scene procedures so they can identify the perpetrators if they're in the system already or get caught later on. And yes, this should be reported to your insurance company, although it may fall below your deductible limit. In addition, the uninsured amount of the loss is an income tax deduction.
Very sorry to hear that.

I can't imagine WHY anyone would think about it. Sounds like someone just figured it must be worth a ton since pilots have all that $$$ laying around.

Check ebay? Put up flyers at nearby airports? Seems like there really can't be that many people selling used landing light parts or at least someone would know of an airplane with their parts getting replaced.
Well, thanks for the responses so far.

Yes, tied up outside, no security at the airport. Anyone could have driven in and done it. I did have the local police come out and write up a report, for when or if I file an insurance claim. Yes, I plan on contacting the insurance company first thing Monday morning. Also my maintenance guys to find out a ballpark figure on what we're talking about here. A few hundred dollars is a nuisance and probably not worth filing, but we'll see. The police office did attempt to lift fingerprints off the cowling but couldn't get anything usable.

So Ron, would I really contact the local office of the FBI and say, someone stole my landing light off the plane from my tie down spot?

Finally, yes, I have already checked out ebay and haven't found anything.
YES, contact the FBI. Federal crime! Why would you shortchange your chances of catching the guy?
Very sorry to hear that.

I can't imagine WHY anyone would think about it. Sounds like someone just figured it must be worth a ton since pilots have all that $$$ laying around.

Check ebay? Put up flyers at nearby airports? Seems like there really can't be that many people selling used landing light parts or at least someone would know of an airplane with their parts getting replaced.

Huh? It happenned because someone needed one for their plane.
Stealing parts off an aircraft is in fact a Federal offense (18 USC 32a) that should be reported to the FBI, as well as a violation of state law on theft reported to the local authorities. If someone is killed as a result, the death penalty applies (18 USC 34). One hopes the local folks did the proper crime scene procedures so they can identify the perpetrators if they're in the system already or get caught later on. And yes, this should be reported to your insurance company, although it may fall below your deductible limit. In addition, the uninsured amount of the loss is an income tax deduction.

Yep, they're gonna send CSI right over... Just like they do for every stolen car stereo... Locally, this is barely a misdemeanor due to the value involved, and no one was accosted. Most places, LEOs don't have time for this much less specialty details. As far as getting the FBI to get involved, good luck there....
Pretty much what I figured. I only got the police out so that:
1. I'd have a report for insurance purposes, and
2. Have a record of incidents at the airport in case there are more problems, or a pattern develops.

The local officer was a nice guy and said that he'd make an effort to have the dept. increase patrols around the airport.
Pretty much what I figured. I only got the police out so that:
1. I'd have a report for insurance purposes, and
2. Have a record of incidents at the airport in case there are more problems, or a pattern develops.

The local officer was a nice guy and said that he'd make an effort to have the dept. increase patrols around the airport.

That's about the best you can expect from them. You might also see if the airport would increase the lighting on the ramp if it's reasonably dark. Next, call White Industries and see what they have for you.

BTW, Insurance deductable often don't apply to theft or vandalism (check your state/policy) though you may not want to file a claim if the price is low as it may affect your rates (and everyone elses on the ramp) unless your incident falls in to the statistical norm the actuaries used to calculate your rates.
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Maybe Henning's right, and you should just lie back and think of England.
Maybe Henning's right, and you should just lie back and think of England.

God give me the strength to change the things I can,
The Serenity to accept the things I can't and
The wisdom to recognize the difference!

The world does not revolve around the landing light on a PA-28. There are more serious things that take priority in assett allocation of law enforcement.
Went to my Cherokee today and discovered my landing light completely missing--removed the whole assembly, must have gone under the cowling to disconnect the wire, and just took the whole thing. So I'll start dealing with replacing it Monday morning, but had the police come out to make a report in the meantime.

Very aggravating. And idea the cost to replace it? Is this typically something that goes through an insurance claim, or what?
What is this "whole assy" you mention?

4 phillips head screws and the outer ring, the lamp, the gasket, and the wire connections are accessable from the outside. No need to go inside the cowling.

I fugure the total replacement cost to be <$50.

Most damaging is the thought that an owner helped himself to parts off your plane. What hurts the most is that a fellow pilot did this.

BTW: when I had my I-COM lifted from my back seat (the thief had to step up onto the wing, then rummage around the cockpit) I was ready to shoot first, ask questions later.
Most damaging is the thought that an owner helped himself to parts off your plane. What hurts the most is that a fellow pilot did this.
Maybe. Maybe not. I'm not too far from being a teenager and I remember the stupid bets that would be made. Someone might have just wanted to steal something off an airplane.

Last month I had someone steal the faceplate off my CD player. Absolutely no point in this. All they accomplished was making my CD player worthless with no gain to themselves.
Wow. That's pretty low.
It is low. Aside from this being in violation of the law there is the sense of betrayal of an unwritten rule. And the perp is a fellow pilot.

As far as I'm concerned it could be any of you who stole my radio. Just think, I may have a bead drawn on you....that is how I feel about it.
Maybe. Maybe not. I'm not too far from being a teenager and I remember the stupid bets that would be made. Someone might have just wanted to steal something off an airplane.

Last month I had someone steal the faceplate off my CD player. Absolutely no point in this. All they accomplished was making my CD player worthless with no gain to themselves.
I understand this. But there are consequences and repercussions. Beware the man not playing that game.

I have decided I will come unglued on anyone I catch redhanded. It won't be the first time.
BTW: the last instance of such 'good natured' vandalism in which I took part was at age 10. Under the cover of night I intentionally knocked over a garden statuary. The home owner happened to be waiting in the shadows for such malfeasence.

I got a free ride to the station and a pick up by my father :hairraise: I wonder what would happen these days.
I'll let Henning take care of it. I'm not sure I subscribe to the "it's small potatoes, no need to report it because the time they spend filling out your paperwork might be just the moment of distraction the terrorists need" theory. ;)
Bet it's more. I think we pay $37 a pop for those damn landing lights, and you know those screws have to be FAA certified. :rolleyes: :mad:
Oh hell no. If you're paying more than $17 for the lamp you are a sucker. And the screws are standard stainless 10-24 panhead stove screws, $0.20 ea. The ring gasket would be the highest portion of the cost...not much more than $8.00 from Piper.

PS: Cessna charges a premium for having the wings in the "right place". A premium above and beyone Piper prices, if you can believe that.
The ring gasket would be the highest portion of the cost...not much more than $8.00 from Piper.

PS: Cessna charges a premium for having the wings in the "right place". A premium above and beyone Piper prices, if you can believe that.

$8.00? I wouldn't count on any airplane part being that cheap.

BTW, I haven't seen any real difference in price for Cessna parts vs. Piper parts. Remember, I'm paying the bills on one Cessna and TWO Pipers. We had to replace the lift detector on an Archer a while back. $1,000.00. :hairraise: And all that is is a small switch and a bent piece of metal. Oh, and a big liability insurance policy.
While the cost may be small, even just a few hundred bucks, I believe it is worth reporting to the FBI as a matter of record.

Just last week, a man was sentenced in Kansas for theft from aircraft in both Kansas and Colorado. I can't recall or find the article now. He was found to be selling aircraft parts as well as pilot gear on eBay to the tune of several thousand. It was the trend that got him caught.

So, while a single landing light may be nothing, it's likely not the only item this person has taken. More have or will likely suffer. I just hope no flight is endangered as a result.
Bet it's more. I think we pay $37 a pop for those damn landing lights, and you know those screws have to be FAA certified. :rolleyes: :mad:

Isn't there an avaition store on Stoughton Road called Flying & Fleet? I believe they have 4509 bulbs for under $10. That falls under owner allowed maintenance, changing landing light bulbs.
Care to elaborate for us dumbwitted folk?
The line "Lie back and think of England" arises from the advice given to a less-than-happy queen of England who didn't much enjoy the king's physical attentions. She was being told that it was her duty as queen to allow the king to sire a son through her for the future of the nation. Essentially, this advice tells one that sometimes one must endure something unpleasant for a greater good. In this particular case, it suggests one should accept with tolerance (if not grace) law enforcement's lack of attention to the theft of a relatively cheap aircraft component because the cops have higher priority crimes like murder and rape to solve.
Most damaging is the thought that an owner helped himself to parts off your plane. What hurts the most is that a fellow pilot did this.

I'd like to throw another possibility into the mix...

Did you post-flight the aircraft and KNOW FOR SURE it was there after your last flight? If the screws had worked loose, the ring fell off, the bulb and wire assembly could have (not necessarily likely, I'll grant that) fallen off after a landing or enroute or....
Not a chance. I always take one nice long look at the plane before I leave. There were no screws anywhere, no hanging wires. Just the light and bracket thing gone--they even left me the air filter that sits behind it.
I think there's some possibility that this wasn't a fellow pilot. I know that some folks used to put aircraft landing lights in place of their high beam car headlights although today's cars mostly have incompatible lamp shapes.
Wow.. Lots of responses.

Matt, I'd still report this. Not necessarily for expecting to catch anyone on THIS instance, but there could always be another occurrence to yourself or another owner on the field.
Huh? It happenned because someone needed one for their plane.

No man! Didn't ya hear? Those airplane lights are bitchin' BRIGHT! The guys are gonna absolutely s* when they see one on my jeep!
No man! Didn't ya hear? Those airplane lights are bitchin' BRIGHT! The guys are gonna absolutely s* when they see one on my jeep!

Shoot, this ain't the 50s, compared to what you can buy at Pep Boys for chump change now, a Cherokee landing light is like putting a candle in front of a mirror. If I wanted to find out where that light went, I'd be asking around at the nearby airports about who repairs cowlings and look there to see what's going on for repairs.
Mr. Henning- You & I know that, but but our knowledge doesn't translate to the rest of the USA. Likewise people think airplane engines are really powerful too.

Getting back on the thread- report it to the FBI. At the least, if they catch the SOBs, there is another count potentially added to the list which can be used in sentencing.
We had to replace the lift detector on an Archer a while back. $1,000.00. :hairraise: And all that is is a small switch and a bent piece of metal. Oh, and a big liability insurance policy.

You didn't have to replace it. It just needed a cleaning.
Isn't there an avaition store on Stoughton Road called Flying & Fleet? I believe they have 4509 bulbs for under $10.

LOL :rofl: (That'd be Farm & Fleet for you out-of-towners.)

Do they really have 4509's? The ones that say Aviation on 'em and everything? I'll have to check that out. I'd heard that some NAPA locations had them, but F&F isn't too far from the airport... Thanks for the tip! :yes:
LOL :rofl: (That'd be Farm & Fleet for you out-of-towners.)

Do they really have 4509's? The ones that say Aviation on 'em and everything? I'll have to check that out. I'd heard that some NAPA locations had them, but F&F isn't too far from the airport... Thanks for the tip! :yes:

Kent, it gets easier than that, especially for you. For the absolute best price on 4509 bulbs, go to your local truck parts dealer (or your company's maintenance shop). Usually about 1/2 the price that you would pay from the aircraft parts store for the same bulb. (Truckers use them for back up lights) Not sure if they carry the long-life quarts Q4509's or not...

Another option: