The perfect plane ever came on the market and my heart is racing.

Well we concluded for today. We looked over the airplane, flew it then had a mechanic come and look at it.

We are going to make an offer for it

We talked to him and since the seller is from Oklahoma we don't have to. This is a peer to peer transaction.
You still have to pay sales tax on a peer to peer sale.
Nope, we talked all about it and looked it up. The owner gets 2 free sells a year since he just an individual owner.

If you do nothing you will get a sales tax bill in a few months. Don't just 'look it up'.

Call the comptroller. Be sure and mention if a broker was involved.
Just wanted to let everyone know the deal fell through. After flying it and walking all around it and the mechanic saying it was in great condition I'm really let down by how it all ended. It was the Broker who broke the deal for us. I'm going to do a full write up soon on what exactly happened but right I'm just extremely bummed and slightly angry at how we were treated by the broker.

Thanks for the support and the advice. Maybe next time :(
Dude that sucks. Interested to hear your report.

The good news is that there are lots of other planes out there.
Dude that sucks. Interested to hear your report.

The good news is that there are lots of other planes out there.

That's exactly right. I'm moving on and looking forward to next time.
If you do nothing you will get a sales tax bill in a few months. Don't just 'look it up'.

Call the comptroller. Be sure and mention if a broker was involved.
The affidavit of occasional sale says to just hold on to it if the State comes asking. The county (Harris) came to me to open an "aircraft account" with them -- but once I checked the "exempt -- personal use" box, they stopped caring at all.
Dang dude sorry to hear this. I know it sucks but on the bright side there are many more to go look at! Like I said before in my earlier post, working with a sellers broker is not fun and all they care about is max money as quick as possible.
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Sorry to hear man. Keep looking, the right one is waiting for ya

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Just wanted to let everyone know the deal fell through. After flying it and walking all around it and the mechanic saying it was in great condition I'm really let down by how it all ended. It was the Broker who broke the deal for us. I'm going to do a full write up soon on what exactly happened but right I'm just extremely bummed and slightly angry at how we were treated by the broker.

Thanks for the support and the advice. Maybe next time :(

Sorry to hear that - But I think when you get an even better plane for less money, you'll be glad this happened.

Looking forward to the write-up!
Sorry to hear it fell through. I really enjoyed your enthusiasm about the purchase...and the sales tax "discussion" :) Good luck with the next one!
The affidavit of occasional sale says to just hold on to it if the State comes asking. The county (Harris) came to me to open an "aircraft account" with them -- but once I checked the "exempt -- personal use" box, they stopped caring at all.

You are of course correct, but let me tell about a purchase I was involved in. Our club bought an airplane directly from an individual, thus qualifying as an 'occasional sale'. The prior owner moved out of state.

About a year latter we get a sales tax bill from the Texas Comptroller, who monitors aircraft title changes. We call up, tell them it was an 'occasional sale'. They say fine, just bring in this from with a signature from the prior owner saying he didn't use a broker and is not in the business of selling airplanes. Or send the money. Your choice.

Thus we had to start a manhunt to find the prior owner and hope he would sign this form. It took a month or so, but we finally tracked him down, and he was happy to sign the form.

The OP is saying silly things that have at their core the assumption his purchase will be free from all taxes because 'he looked it up'. That might even be true, but he really needs to be proactive to be sure all the i's are dotted and the t's crossed, or he will just find himself in a minor paperwork nightmare.

And that would be particularity sad with respect to the Texas Comptroller, because they are as good as any government agency gets in helping taxpayers stay out of trouble, and helping them come in from the cold when the taxpayer screws up.

I strongly recommend that any person buying an airplane from an individual in Texas give them a call BEFORE closing. One call might save the buyer a lot of pain.


In post #1 of this thread the OP's Archer is listed with a broker. Thus he's probably going to have to pay sales tax.
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Are you still set on an Archer?

If not, take a look at this one:

I have a Super Viking. I flight plan for 160 knots, but generally get faster than that. Nice useful load, and flies like a dream. Cheaper than the Archer also. This one looks like it's got a nice panel.

For more info regarding the Viking, check out

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If not, take a look at this one:

I have a Super Viking. I flight plan for 160 knots, but generally get faster than that. Nice useful load, and flies like a dream. Cheaper than the Archer also. This one looks like it's got a nice panel.

For more info regarding the Viking, check out

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Probably the most underrated plane out there. That's a lot of plane for a new pilot, though.
Probably the most underrated plane out there. That's a lot of plane for a new pilot, though.

True, but with the proper transition training (Cody Williams) and discipline, it's doable. The Viking is a great plane. I call ours a magic carpet. Fast, nimble, and a joy to fly. The ski tube allows us to load up my son's hockey sticks, stuff in his hockey bag and our luggage and just get there. A couple of years ago, I made it from Rockwood, TN (KRKW) to San Jose (KSJC) in a single day with 15.2 hours of flying time and 3 refueling stops. That was with headwinds all the way.

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If not, take a look at this one:

I have a Super Viking. I flight plan for 160 knots, but generally get faster than that. Nice useful load, and flies like a dream. Cheaper than the Archer also. This one looks like it's got a nice panel.

For more info regarding the Viking, check out

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Whats your useful? And is it as small inside as Aviation Consumer says? I read somewhere they say its larger than a Mooney but smaller than a C or P. They seem like a great plane
Whats your useful? And is it as small inside as Aviation Consumer says? I read somewhere they say its larger than a Mooney but smaller than a C or P. They seem like a great plane
40.5" cabin width according to AOPA. Thats about what a 172 is
Whats your useful? And is it as small inside as Aviation Consumer says? I read somewhere they say its larger than a Mooney but smaller than a C or P. They seem like a great plane

Max Gross is 3325 lbs.
Empty (including 12qts oil) is: 2225 lbs.
Mine carries 89 gal of gas in 3 tanks.

It is cozy inside (It was designed by an Italian --think sports car) but my wife and I (we're not small people) are comfortable. On long flights with just the two of us, she'll usually take the back so she can work on her computer, and I'll spread out in front. I have flown with 4 full sized adults with no issues.

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It took to page six until the OP got derailed into buying an obscure complex plane. This degree of restraint has to be a first for POA.

I think he needs a Commander.
It took to page six until the OP got derailed into buying an obscure complex plane. This degree of restraint has to be a first for POA.

I think he needs a Commander.

Well, my point is one can typically get a higher performance plane for less cost if one is willing to look outside the typical types of aircraft that flight schools use. There is a strong contingent of Viking owners in TX, the OP's home state, as well as one of the three major Viking maintainence shops. The Viking is an excellent performer, and its cost is typically much less than the metal spam can type of planes because people aren't knowlegable or comfortable about the benefits of the wood construction. Much more performance than the Archer for much less cost. A Viking is fast, robust, and a joy to fly.

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It took to page six until the OP got derailed into buying an obscure complex plane. This degree of restraint has to be a first for POA.

I think he needs a Commander.

We don't need to go complex to get obscure. How about an Edgely Optica?

No joke. In California, I get the pleasure of paying Use Tax which, in my county, is 7.75%. Sigh.

Just wanted to let everyone know the deal fell through. <snip> It was the Broker who broke the deal for us.

If you're really set on that aircraft, you have the tail number... look up the owner and send an offer directly to the owner to bypass the broker. The broker doesn't just work for the seller... he needs to work for you too in order to close the deal and earn the commission. But I'm wondering what the broker did to sour the deal.
Those hours seem kind of low? I mean the avg is 50hrs/year over 38 years.

Would love to see the logbooks on that one.

Yeah, good point. Hard to say. I've been averaging 150 per year on my Viking in the five years I've had it. The previous owner put even more at almost 175 per year on it.

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Yeah, no tax in Virginia.. until you register it with the Dept of aviation... state always gets it cut.

Not quite right. You owe the sales/use tax the minute you buy the plane (or bring it into the state). The DoA will ask when you get the state registration, but they DOR also mines the FAA databases for people who looks like should owe the tax and send you an inquiry eventually. I got one well over a year after I bought my plane (and I had already paid the tax). It's only 2% and if you've paid the tax to another state when you bought it there, they will credit you for that.