@EricBe , I looked in the FAQ but didn't find this: how does myflightbook calculate "night" time? It did not seem to do it correctly for me last night. Here are the details:
From the myflightbook entry:
Sunset time at the airport (from Foreflight): 2329
Civil twilight: 2357 (estimate from "timeanddate.com")
The whole flight from engine start to stop occurred after civil twilight, so shouldn't it be 1.2 at night? The definition for "night" being "after civil twilight".
Edit: I just read through your blog entry on this topic and it seems to say that you ARE using civil twilight as your "night start" time, with an interesting discussion about the problems involved. But I'm still not sure why it logged mine as 0.8.
Edit #2: I just found your "Day/Night Tool" and it says civil twilight last night was at 00:15, but even this should have resulted in 1.1 night, not 0.8.