Why put in knock out plugs allowing the fire to vent?
Why put fire doors in buildings?
The knockout plug would be like a fire door. It would be closed until it is needed to be opened. With a knockout plug, the fire would probably only be vented shortly if at all before being deluged with water. It might be possible to install a flapper valve in a knockout plug so that water could easily enter, but fire would be restricted.
Why not just blast the box with water and keep it cool until the fire runs out of fuel?
As I pointed out before, that would not be a humane or safe option if someone is entrapped in or near the vehicle..
As for an automated system, no different than the engine room of every boat, or their paint locker for that matter
Copper powder suppression systems? :wink2:
Many assembly lines and many other factory environments have similar systems; CO2 and formally halon (showing my age).
I like those systems because they are often set up so they respond both automatically and manually,