Teen attacks parents with knives after they take her cell phone

Wow, can you say retroactive abortion?

How about "foster home - in a teen detention center".
Wow, can you say retroactive abortion?

How about "foster home - in a teen detention center".

In all honesty, I dunno what I'd do in the parents' position. Might want to include a taser in the home defense items for domestic situations...
When I was growing up, the worst thing the police could do is take you to your parents.
At the first sign of a fit, I would have got backhanded into the middle of LAST week so I'd have the chance to do the week all over again properly the second time through.

I guess times have changed for the better huh?
When I was growing up, the worst thing the police could do is take you to your parents.
At the first sign of a fit, I would have got backhanded into the middle of LAST week so I'd have the chance to do the week all over again properly the second time through.

I guess times have changed for the better huh?

Hey, I'm thankful for the change from my grandparents' switches to my father's belt. My backside felt 10 times better. :D
Back when I was a kid, my parents took away my portable turntable, so I popped a cap in their a$$es. Taught 'em good. They never f'd with me again.

Something tells me there is more to this story than a dispute about a cellphone.:frown2:
WE might want to move this to Spin Zone......
WE might want to move this to Spin Zone......

I was hoping it wouldn't be charged since I have a feeling we're all on the same side of this situation... But if it needs to go, so be it... just don't pull a knife on me. :D

A father hides from his 16 year-old daughter in the bedroom? He loses his man card!
Hey, I'm thankful for the change from my grandparents' switches to my father's belt.

OH SHEESH! :eek: Don't ever do that to me again. :nono: I got halfway through the S word in that sentence before I cringed up against the wall even after all those intervening years. Those things sting like only people who have been on the receiving end could ever have a hope of understanding. Belts are nothing.

A father hides from his 16 year-old daughter in the bedroom? He loses his man card!

No kidding. He messed up way before that day though. If the kid had proper switch training, she would never considered doing anything irrational like that in the first place...and if she did, well, there are certain trees that grow very special switches just for that kind of behavior. Really specialized bad stuff those. The instant the kid turned around with that knife that fight would have been soooo over.
Now that our government has effectively taken control of how kids are disciplined, we can only expect more of this crap. The only thing you are legally allowed to do to your children for misbehavior is give them a time out, but not too long lest you hurt their self esteem. You can also withhold certain privileges or toys, being careful not to hurt their moral in the process. Don't even think of taking the knife away and then beating the pulp out of them, that's child endangerment and abuse, you'll go to jail.

Many of these government raised children are now running business's and government offices, many have gone into teaching. This explains a whole lot.

My word against hers. Lots of banana peels around here. Maybe the rest of the threat is that they will remove here from the household to prevent further endangerment?

Now that our government has effectively taken control of how kids are disciplined, we can only expect more of this crap. The only thing you are legally allowed to do to your children for misbehavior is give them a time out, but not too long lest you hurt their self esteem. You can also withhold certain privileges or toys, being careful not to hurt their moral in the process. Don't even think of taking the knife away and then beating the pulp out of them, that's child endangerment and abuse, you'll go to jail.

Many of these government raised children are now running business's and government offices, many have gone into teaching. This explains a whole lot.

Seems like a reasonable response to losing a cell phone :rolleyes:

Honestly? If I were the father I'd have smacked the taste outta the kid's mouth.
While the government has some of the responsibility in confusing punishment with abuse (the two are different), you can't blame a governing body for the breakdown in parenting. It ultimately comes down to parents who either don't realize there are other ways to discipline children that are similarly effective or just don't believe in discipline. There's a failure of the parents somewhere in the process. Kids think they run the household these days. Sadly, they're not always wrong. I can generally tell the kids who were raised with some sort of discipline vs. those who weren't when I see them. Discipline does not necessarily mean corporal punishment (I've seen that fail, too).

I was raised with discipline. While there are a number of aspects of my upbringing that I see could have been done better, most people seem to think I tured out alright. I attribute most of that to the fact that hard boundaries were placed on what was and was not acceptable. Clearly, the girl in question here did not have that understanding.
When the phrase, "Let me tell what I am feeling now..." entered our collective consciousness, we had lost it.

Ridiculous, is all it is.
They're everywhere!

And then....they become parents too.

The cycle continues.

I don't think the correct words are "become parents" because that implies some level of responsibility. I think the correct word is "breed".
Back before touchy feely parenting techniques displaced corporal punishment, and children were coddled with access to the luxury of modern electronic devices, parents ensured that their children were well-behaved and respectful, and grew up to be well-adjusted young adults:


... who almost never murdered their parents with an axe.
Hey, I'm thankful for the change from my grandparents' switches to my father's belt. My backside felt 10 times better. :D

The worst part was being sent out to get the switch for them. However, I learned many valuable lessons. Math, science, politics…

1. I catalogued the local flora’s Vmo (Max operating speed)
2. Both parents Vmr (Max range). VERY important
3. A sapling has a higher Vnd (than a year old limb that has cured over the past year.
4. Thinner switch has lower Vmd (Minimum Drag)=bad.
5. Grandma had Vmp (minimum power), therefore kinetic energy can be kept to a minimum. Given the option, allow her to punish you because dad had a Vmo significantly higher.
6. Kinetic energy of rigid bodies: Ek=1/2mv^2. (Important in selection for #5)
7. My ability to Vsl (Max stall the situation). This gave birth to my debating skills, and ruled out lawschool.
8. Vg (best glide) past dads chair when he first got home. (Inversely proportional once mom spoke to him about whatever it was that I had done.)
9. Vllo (Max landing light operating speed). My backside could not be deployed into a chair until the illumination subsided below this defined level.
10. Vy (Best rate of climb) of the staircase before either could grab the new switch my brother was kind enough to go get after exceeding the Vfc (max stability) of the old dried out switch that I brought them.
11. My older brothers Vh (max continuous power) as I chased him down. See #10.
12. My personal V1. (Ability safely stop my actions so as not to explore all Vspeeds noted above.)
Perhaps parents should introduce these concepts early and often. Math and science are important indeed! :D
No matter how well you child-proof your house, they will still get in.
The worst part was being sent out to get the switch for them. However, I learned many valuable lessons. Math, science, politics…

Someone got in trouble an awful lot.

"Go get me a switch."
"Either you do it or I will."
"Ok. I'm going."
We get calls all the time from parents wanting to know what constitutes abuse vs discipline. Kids come home from school and announce that they can no longer be swatted on the butt end because teacher told them that mommy and daddy can go to jail if they do this. Then kids become terrors. However, officer explains the facts to the parents and the kids soon learn that mom and dad CAN swat them on the backside.

Had a 15 year old girl go ballistic because her phone service was shut off. Started whaling on mom, screaming, cussing, etc. Mom calls 911, I get to hear the little b*&^h in the background completely out of control. Officer gets there, guess who gets hauled away for assault? hehehehe...the kid.....Yippeee!!!!

I love to keep the parent on the line when the kid is being very audible in the background. That way, when court time comes, they can play the call and let everyone there hear just how the little angel behaved. hehehehehe
We get calls all the time from parents wanting to know what constitutes abuse vs discipline. Kids come home from school and announce that they can no longer be swatted on the butt end because teacher told them that mommy and daddy can go to jail if they do this. Then kids become terrors. However, officer explains the facts to the parents and the kids soon learn that mom and dad CAN swat them on the backside.

Had a 15 year old girl go ballistic because her phone service was shut off. Started whaling on mom, screaming, cussing, etc. Mom calls 911, I get to hear the little b*&^h in the background completely out of control. Officer gets there, guess who gets hauled away for assault? hehehehe...the kid.....Yippeee!!!!

I love to keep the parent on the line when the kid is being very audible in the background. That way, when court time comes, they can play the call and let everyone there hear just how the little angel behaved. hehehehehe

Dee, sounds like you folks on the correct side of the mountains have your heads screwed on straight. Too bad the folks on this side outnumber you.
Resorting to violence means you've run out of ideas. I hate seeing bad ideas perpetuated.

It's not hard to discipline kids without resorting to the whip. My kids know how to behave, at home and in public, and I wouldn't even THINK about hitting them. Be firm, fair, and and consistent and you'll never have to resort to violence. Plus, you'll never have to deal with a kid nailing you with 40 whacks from an axe.
Resorting to violence means you've run out of ideas. I hate seeing bad ideas perpetuated.

It's not hard to discipline kids without resorting to the whip. My kids know how to behave, at home and in public, and I wouldn't even THINK about hitting them. Be firm, fair, and and consistent and you'll never have to resort to violence. Plus, you'll never have to deal with a kid nailing you with 40 whacks from an axe.

Or just smack the crap outta them when they act up.

It worked for me, it'll work for my kids, its worked for hundreds of years. Fear and Respect are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
Or just smack the crap outta them when they act up.

It worked for me, it'll work for my kids, its worked for hundreds of years. Fear and Respect are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

I disagree vehemently (although I won't resort to blows). If you were a parent, and could look your child in the eye after hitting them, you wouldn't see respect. Just fear. And sadness. It takes a small man to hit a small child.

Violence works as a disciplinary measure. Take a look at my avatar, for example. It's a house of cards though. Fear and respect ARE mutually exclusive, as are love and fear.

Nick, I implore you. I beseech you. Please - don't ever hit your kids. If it gets to that, it's your fault as a parent, not the kids fault. Just because your parents did it, doesn't make it right. Some of our parents used to call African-Americans "Boy."
Now that our government has effectively taken control of how kids are disciplined, we can only expect more of this crap. The only thing you are legally allowed to do to your children for misbehavior is give them a time out, but not too long lest you hurt their self esteem. You can also withhold certain privileges or toys, being careful not to hurt their moral in the process. Don't even think of taking the knife away and then beating the pulp out of them, that's child endangerment and abuse, you'll go to jail.

Many of these government raised children are now running business's and government offices, many have gone into teaching. This explains a whole lot.

Somehow, I would not have assumed that this child grew up in a non-violent home.
Somehow, I would not have assumed that this child grew up in a non-violent home.

Agreed. A home with bad parenting, though, that would be for certain.
I disagree vehemently (although I won't resort to blows). If you were a parent, and could look your child in the eye after hitting them, you wouldn't see respect. Just fear. And sadness. It takes a small man to hit a small child.

Violence works as a disciplinary measure. Take a look at my avatar, for example. It's a house of cards though. Fear and respect ARE mutually exclusive, as are love and fear.

Nick, I implore you. I beseech you. Please - don't ever hit your kids. If it gets to that, it's your fault as a parent, not the kids fault. Just because your parents did it, doesn't make it right. Some of our parents used to call African-Americans "Boy."

Hit vs. Spank, vs. Slap. I will never ever hit a child (as in, fisted, punching). But I will guarantee you that I will slap a child for misbehaving, and moreover, my kids will be spanked.

You are contridicting yourself...you say violence works, but then say it doesn't. I'm confused.
You are contridicting yourself...you say violence works, but then say it doesn't. I'm confused.
I don't want to put words in his mouth, but I think he's pointing out that there's much more to consider than just whether or not it "works."
I disagree vehemently (although I won't resort to blows). If you were a parent, and could look your child in the eye after hitting them, you wouldn't see respect. Just fear. And sadness. It takes a small man to hit a small child.

Violence works as a disciplinary measure. Take a look at my avatar, for example. It's a house of cards though. Fear and respect ARE mutually exclusive, as are love and fear.

There's a big difference between punching or beating a kid vs a good sound swatting to disconnect stupid from behavioral patterns, getting their undivided attention or making a point. Active hostile violence, physical or mental, that results in fear is counterproductive. A good sound swatting delivered properly doesn't generate fear. They will still respect you and not fear you. It merely lets the kid know that there are consequences to their bad behavior. Once that's established, if it's required to get the point across in the first place, rational discussions or the proverbial hairy eyeball look is more than adequate most of the time.

Now if a kid (yours or anyone elses) has gone psychotic and comes at you with a weapon, the rules have changed and whatever defensive force is required is acceptable. My best guess is that if the kid hesitates at all, a switch across the wrist or any other body part will cause the weapon to rattle to the ground instantly because that sting will take the fight right out of anyone at a hundred times the speed of light.

Beating results in hooligans. Letting the kid run all over the parents results in hooligans. A sound swatting and rational discussion when required results in good behavior and respect.

The part that bothers me is that a lot of those severely lack of discipline parents and the people making the rules against parents disciplining kids are often in my age group. There's two subgroups. One group disciplines the same way we were disciplined and never has problems and has socially well adjusted kids who would never even consider showing up at school with a bomb or gun. The others tend to have meeting with parole officers with their kids regularly for some reason. It's not always the case and it can go both ways however there's a definite pattern involved on the whole. I have no idea what caused the split in kids coming from the 70's and 80's.
Someone got in trouble an awful lot.

"Go get me a switch."
"Either you do it or I will."
"Ok. I'm going."

OK, the switch story brought back memories, but THIS dialogue brought back even more.

The above dialogue finished with:

"And it better be a good one(tm) or I'll go get one and you'll get it twice as hard."

*"a good one" meant "little knobby spots and such" on it. I think I can still feel the welts... cause that switch wasn't always used on the buttocks, but the back of the legs, too.
There's a big difference between punching or beating a kid vs a good sound swatting to disconnect stupid from behavioral patterns, getting their undivided attention or making a point. Active hostile violence, physical or mental, that results in fear is counterproductive. A good sound swatting delivered properly doesn't generate fear. They will still respect you and not fear you. It merely lets the kid know that there are consequences to their bad behavior. Once that's established, if it's required to get the point across in the first place, rational discussions or the proverbial hairy eyeball look is more than adequate most of the time.

Frank, I agree with you, but I believe that a swat to a kid does cause fear. A little fear, which has the effect of focusing the attention. The same sort of fear an unexpected turbulence encounter would cause - that little "whoops, what's this?" moment.

The kind of fear you don't want to cause is the kind where the kid remains afraid of you AFTER the punishment. We always make the point that the incident is over after the punishment.

So far it seems to be working. As my daughter gets older (she's almost six now) I've had to use corporal punishment less and less - she's learned where the lines are drawn.
OK, the switch story brought back memories, but THIS dialogue brought back even more.

The above dialogue finished with:

"And it better be a good one(tm) or I'll go get one and you'll get it twice as hard."

*"a good one" meant "little knobby spots and such" on it. I think I can still feel the welts... cause that switch wasn't always used on the buttocks, but the back of the legs, too.

And if you were in public you got shaken. That was just a down payment on the switch.