We get calls all the time from parents wanting to know what constitutes abuse vs discipline. Kids come home from school and announce that they can no longer be swatted on the butt end because teacher told them that mommy and daddy can go to jail if they do this. Then kids become terrors. However, officer explains the facts to the parents and the kids soon learn that mom and dad CAN swat them on the backside.
Had a 15 year old girl go ballistic because her phone service was shut off. Started whaling on mom, screaming, cussing, etc. Mom calls 911, I get to hear the little b*&^h in the background completely out of control. Officer gets there, guess who gets hauled away for assault? hehehehe...the kid.....Yippeee!!!!
I love to keep the parent on the line when the kid is being very audible in the background. That way, when court time comes, they can play the call and let everyone there hear just how the little angel behaved. hehehehehe