
Dang, almost forgot one of the most important maple syrup applications:

A large dollop of peanut butter with a generous helping of maple syrup. Mix thoroughly. Mop it up with a buttermilk biscuit. yummmmmmmmmm

Obviously a Georgia boy. This was a special breakfast treat for me. Usually grabbed in a hurry to get out the door (and eaten on the run) before dawn to get started in the tobacco fields.
Pretty sure I can pick up that stuff (or similar) at City Market Coop in Burlington. (Even if I wasn't grounded, I could drive there quicker than I could drive to the airport, preflight, and fly to KBTV. ;))

As far as kicking me out of VT, they'll do that anyways. I've yet to try Ben & Jerry's ice cream (oh the horror!).

(I did try their sherbet last year, but not the real ice cream.)

You can also just drive to a burger joint, but the burger tastes so much better then you burn 100LL and aviate to get it ;)

Same with maple goodness!
I must have pure maple syrup on my waffles. The stuff from the supermarket is some concoction of corn syrup and chemical flavorings. A quart of the real thing costs $11 at Costco but well worth it IMO.

Parker's Maple Barn, Mason, NH.

Love that place...great breakfast. The restaurant is close to a private strip and a dirt strip with a DC-3 is not far away...the dirt strip is way too small for the DC-3 to have landed there
Dark Grade A (formerly Grade B) 1/2 gallons. Usually buy a gallon a year.

Ya'll and yer maple. Don'tcha know pure vanilla is the way to go for pancakes?
Well down south most people use butter and sprinkle pepper, some add cheese. Haven't tried syrup and probably won't.

I'll take them that way, too... I'll pretty much take them however they come, really.

Ya'll and yer maple. Don'tcha know pure vanilla is the way to go for pancakes?


Only had Karo when I was a kid. That's probably why I prefer BUTTER!

Ugh. My grandfather on my dad's side loved that stuff. I never could get a taste for it. Grandma kept the Karo in the cupboard for grandpa, and Maple for everybody else. LOL.
I'm making my own syrup now. After tapping two of my sugar maple trees earlier this year I boiled the gallons of sap down get about 1 gal of syrup. My boiling rig isn't very efficient and I went through a large amount of wood. We marked the trees well this summer so I don't go off and try to tap an oak or white pine in the process.

This was a lot of fun and I'm going to make a whole lot more this next season.

If you have to ask, you'll never know.....

Huh, never heard of the stuff, will need to check it out. Another cultural diversity teachable moment brought to you by PoA.
Only had Karo when I was a kid. That's probably why I prefer BUTTER!

Karo is nothing but an emergency spare for pancakes/waffles. The reason it's in the kitchen is for making pecan pies!

So how do you pronounce "pecan"? A "pe-cahn" is a nut; a "pee-can" is what you keep under the bed at night.
After having a few pancakes this evening, I was reminded of this thread. Some of the best Maple Syrup there is! image.jpg
Not sure how I missed this thread for so long... Also didn't know, til I moved here, that Ohio ranks toward the top in maple syrup production in the US. We get 5 or 6 gallon a year from trees on a local boys club property. Spoils us for anything else. That, and the honey from hives on our place pretty much constitutes our total sugar consumption.

Heresy I know, but I prefer Log Cabin. Pure maple is just way too sickeningly sweet to me, can't stand the stuff. Maybe I need to cut it with something???
My grandfather worked at Maple Grove in Concord VT just east of St Johnsbury


That stupid nasty "pancake syrup" needs to be banished from the earth.

I lived in Brattleboro, for a time. The food co-op there had maple syrup, on tap.

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This is a thread about syrup. Ya'll are missing the infamous CORN SYRUP!!
syrup goes on things with carbs, I try not to eat carbs so I can carry 2 people in my two place airplane. :(
If you haven't been dipping your breakfast biscuits (McDonalds Bacon Egg and Cheese) in syrup, you've merely been existing and not truly living.