Thats good. Last year (2021), it seemed like ATC had to completely clear the airspace, including having the performer land and taxi to parking, before allowing Amazon to take off. And if an Amazon was inbound, the airshow performer would be “cut short”, and have to land and taxi to parking, with sufficient time for about 5 minutes of “clear airspace” for the Amazon landing. Then more “dead time” for the Amazon plane to complete landing and clear the runway. Then more time for the performer to taxi and takeoff, and get into routine. I’m not sure how ATC can “compress” this process, but good news if they found a way. I might consider spending a few thousand $$$, and attending again. Or, keep my powder dry, and go all in for KOSH, where there are no Amazon planes disrupting the airshow. However, if Amazon were to put up 5 of their aircraft, and do some aerobatics and close formation passes, I would be “all in” for that performance.