This board is an echo chamber of above median earners who readily dismiss national economic insolvencies as mythical because their personal street looks posh. Look at the far end of the runway for once. The level of retirement insolvency in this country is staggering, and I'm no friend of the boomers mind you. But a spade is a spade. 401k and the loss of pensions was a bait and switch, and we re gonna see the outcome of this dynamic with the boomers first. Most people make nada, with employers who offer jokes of a retirement vehicle, in a country that demands high levels of consumption as a function of your already paltry income ratio.
SS WILL be the national benchmark for retirement income in this country going forward, on a median basis, good bad or indifferent. No amount of finger wagging and self patting about being above that benchmark will ameliorate the fact that the majority will pull down on that rope. We need to prepare to deal with how this will change the look and feel of american main street and our own lives as future caretakers and eventual dependents ourselves. Not everyone will be able to expat to run away from insolvency in the home country.
I recognize its all good advice here, but talking about 50k/yr retirement contributions while attempting to appropriate a "middle class" self reporting, will always come off as tone deaf. Don't shoot the messenger.