You guys are missing the point big time … it is not about low-wing vs high-wing planes but rather about the point of utilizing taildragger configuration in a low-wing plane where one of the main benefits of the taildragger configuration ( ability to land and maneuver in various difficult terrain scenarios - utilized mostly by so called bush planes ) is already compromised because, well , because it is a low-wing plane to begin with.
Well, I chose the taildragger version for a few reasons.
-It's faster. The demonstrator 14 is a few knots faster than their 14A, even with less horspower (io-360 vs 390).
-It looks cooler. Admittedly a slightly silly reason.
-It's lighter (albeit not much).
-It fits in my garage with the tail on.
-I'd like to build some TW time in case I want to get a C195 or something silly like that some day.
The reality is #2 is the main reason. If I'm going to spend 3000 hours building a plane, I want to love it, to be able to stare at it and smile. For me that's the taildragger.
As far as utility goes, I'd venture that there's not a hill of beans worth of difference between a 170/172 or 180/182. It's not like the wing is any higher. Maybe a tiny bit better on soft fields, but the same can be said in a low wing. The Van's planes aren't built for soft fields anyway.
WRT to TD being the only gear option during WWII, I'd invite you to look at the P39, P38, B24, B25, and B26. Only one of those is a high wing.