And some time with a different instructor, just to break patterns and get a different perspective, is always a good idea.
Exactly the two things I did, one purely by accident.
I was flaring to high, floating then coming down pretty hard, and it was REALLY getting to me
, because it started happening as I was getting ready to solo, then obviously couldn't.
One weekend my primary instructor was sick so I flew with another guy, who had a totally different approach to instruction, not better just different.
He was the one who got me to look at the end of the runway and apply nose up trim to relive how much back pressure I had to use in the flare, worked like a charm. My landings got much better, and more consistent, there where still some controlled impacts with the ground as my instructors called them, but they got good enough to let me go on my own. Of course then I just had to figure out that pesky cross wind thing
They still think I flare higher than I need to but I've trained my eyes to that height and I can now control the float and speed to make the touch down smooth.
Bottom line, Problem, I was too high, too fast, looking at the wrong place, and controlling the flare.
Fix. Slower, better trim use, looking at the end of the runway once over the numbers and using two instructor's got it done eventually.
Stick with it, you will get it