Common in telecom, too. In the field anyway.
If you studied and knew exactly what cards did what things in the overall chassis or larger system design, you’d be a better tech. You could take a list of symptoms and rule out multiple cards or modules right off the bat. Which was one of the techniques I taught in classes when I was doing Product Support.
But other times even that would fail you. One on site trip where the symptoms made no sense became very clear when the chassis was opened. Mold had grown from a building leak up from the bottom of the chassis into the card cage shorting various things out. LOL.
Another site trip yielded the tidbit that the building the system was installed into had two ground rods, and there was a voltage potential between them. Half of the equipment was in one side of the building, half on the other side...
Hmmmm, ground is apparently not ground, the world around.