Slowing down on final

You guys think I would be able to pass a check ride with all the different kind of landings you guys are describing in here? All my landings are good. Right on the numbers, and the tires don't even squeak. Though I am a white knuckler.

Now how do I get my knuckles to stay the their original color through out the landing phase? I have to wear a baseball glove bc my palms get sweaty, and on final its not the time to be wiping sweat off your palms. Hand on throttle and yoke thank you very much. Oh yeah and feet on rudder peddles.
Brooke -

Try a 30 knot direct crosswind sometime. ;)
N2212R said:
Brooke -

Try a 30 knot direct crosswind sometime. ;)

Actually, I kind of agree. What built my confidence in my landings was having some REALLY rugged crosswind landings. Then, the landings with near perfect headwinds got easier, and then normal crosswinds did as well.

Of course, Brooke, I am not a CFI, I'm just relaying my own experience.
HPNFlyGirl said:
You guys think I would be able to pass a check ride with all the different kind of landings you guys are describing in here? All my landings are good. Right on the numbers, and the tires don't even squeak. Though I am a white knuckler.

Now how do I get my knuckles to stay the their original color through out the landing phase? I have to wear a baseball glove bc my palms get sweaty, and on final its not the time to be wiping sweat off your palms. Hand on throttle and yoke thank you very much. Oh yeah and feet on rudder peddles.

White knuckles ?

In lieu of easing up on the death-grip, the right shade of skin toner ?
HPNFlyGirl said:
Now how do I get my knuckles to stay the their original color through out the landing phase?

Biorhythmic control of vessel contraction?
It worked so I now only sweat on the left side of my face!