Sim instrument currency documentation


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May 24, 2016
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I have a GLEIM BATD sim, legal for currency. What level of detail is required for documentation?

I've started just keeping a separate log book in my sim room. I record the date, what procedure I fly, and that is basically it. There is a Hobbs meter on the SIM, I do not record time yet. There seems to maybe be an ability to record on Firelight, I have not looked into that much. There also seems to be a way to record the flights on the SIM, I assume for instructional debriefing. So what else is required?

Thank you.
I have a GLEIM BATD sim, legal for currency. What level of detail is required for documentation?

I've started just keeping a separate log book in my sim room. I record the date, what procedure I fly, and that is basically it. There is a Hobbs meter on the SIM, I do not record time yet. There seems to maybe be an ability to record on Firelight, I have not looked into that much. There also seems to be a way to record the flights on the SIM, I assume for instructional debriefing. So what else is required?

Thank you.

I have the same Gleim sim and this is what I do.

Next to my sim I keep the original documentation with the authorization letter from Gleim.

I keep a log with it. I log the airport, the approach, the miss if applicable, conditions, time, date.

I also use Forflight log book and log my sim approaches and under notes I state I use the Gleim Batd so I can keep a digital track of my currency.
I do what I did back in instrument training which is log the session from my Redbird BATD in my regular logbook like any other flight. IOW I don’t keep a separate logbook. My logbook has simulated instrument flight and flight simulator columns which is where the time gets annotated as applicable with nothing in the regular flight time columns (eg PIC, Total Flight Time, etc)

I printed out a copy of the LOA which I keep next to the sim along with the manual.
.. log the session from my Redbird BATD in my regular logbook like any other flight. ….I printed out a copy of the LOA which I keep next to the sim along with the manual.
This except I have a pdf copy of the LOA as an attahcment with the “aircraft” in. MFB. Makes it easy peasy if there’s a question.

I keep my approved SIM activity in my regular logbook. I do not use FF logging. I do enter the flights along with all of my flights into LogBookPro which tracks my currency and can track the BATD activity.
I log the sim time in my paper logbook and SafeLogPro.

SafeLogPro gives me a currency dashboard, so I need to log the sim approaches there.

Like others, I log it as Instrument Simulated and Simulator, but NOT PIC, Total Time or any other column.