Shocked and speechless


Final Approach
Apr 24, 2012
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Brian Flynn
Ran across this today in a nice hotel that is just asking you to sort your trash.


What do you have?
Not sure where you're coming from. Are you:

1) Shocked that you're being asked to put plastic in a different bin than glass or aluminum?
2) Speechless that there are three holes to throw your trash in instead of one?
3) Reaching for your pearls because the commies are coming for your garbage?
4) Outraged because that's what people do when they're bored these days there's not a sign on the bin for paper?
5) Something else that I'm completely not getting?
Are those images of condoms on the left side?
That was my first impression but looking closer, if they are, they have Schrader valves on the end.

I think they’re poorly-drawn water bottles. Or ones drawn by someone with a sense of humor.
Shocked because someone would be able to but a single use water bottle
4) Outraged because that's what people do when they're bored these days there's not a sign on the bin for paper?
Ironic that you immediately made it political.
5) Something else that I'm completely not getting?
There's a designated bin for used condoms.

Not a bad idea, actually.
potty mouth
Are they recycling condoms?
I'm shocked that anybody would even think about recycling condoms.
Scotsman of the 42nd regiment walks into a drug store in Edinburgh. He sets an old condom in front of the pharmacist. It's ratty and wrinkled, and has a couple of patches on it.

"Well, Jock," says the pharmacist. "It'll cost you three shillings for a repair, but ye can buy a brand-new one for six shillings."

The Scotsman ponders for a moment. "I'll let ye know," he says, and marches back out to the street.

He's back the next day, lays the ratty old thing on the counter again, and says:

"The regiment has voted to repair."

Ron "Wha saw the forty-second" Wanttaja
If soiled articles go in the left and empties go in the right, one wonders what goes in the middle.

What hotel is this, anyway? Asking for a friend.
I don’t know if I’m shocked or speechless - but several of the responses got me laughing pretty hard. So far, GeorgeC has the winner with ‘both sides’. I needed it today with a broken plane (minor) on a mulit-day day cc trip.
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I don't know what everyone is getting so excited about.

Everything drops into a single bin...
I don't know what everyone is getting so excited about.

Everything drops into a single bin...
Crimes against interface design. Do the colors mean yes and no? Would a red circle with a backslash be too much to ask?

Like doors that push open but have the grabby loop handles that are designed to be pulled...
I initially thought they were prompting people to recycle baby bottles. I would not have guessed love gloves. I can't imagine the horrors hospitality staff encounter after people leave rooms, in particular after @bflynn checks out, but to now have the responsibility of emptying that bin...eeeeeew!
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If soiled articles go in the left and empties go in the right, one wonders what goes in the middle.

What hotel is this, anyway? Asking for a friend.
I’m in Italy right now, somehwere south of Verona.

Out of morbid curiosity I did step on the pedal and open the lid. The left bin was empty.
The condom is for when one hurls the pearls.

Or as known by the Trojans, ye ol' pearl hurl.

..thus the invention and brand name.

And yes, that is 100% complete bull ****.
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"Italian water bottle"

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