P.S. Gauze... You're doing fine. Like Clark said, your attitude seems good (willing to learn, willing to admit mistakes, took your own safety seriously enough to divert when you got uncomfortable instead of pushing on in conditions you didn't like and trying to be a hero pilot, etc.).
Good on ya talking with the old CFI. (Another good sign... Seeking out additional knowledge from more experienced pilots and instructors.)
I'm curious who it was, there's only a handful with that much experience around here. They're all pretty good at explaining it all, too.
You'll enjoy your week off and then enjoy that long X-C.
And I'm sure any of us would happily meet up with ya somewhere and let ya fly right seat on a longish lunch trip anytime...
Clark's bird will get you there the fastest... Haha... Murphy and I usually get there about the same time... Teller and Everskyward (Mari) would whip all our butts in their work airplanes, but since they usually can't bring those along...
Sometimes it's fun to ride along with other pilots, we can put ya to "work" helping spot traffic, and you get to see how other pilots handle the radios, the airspace, the charts, yadda yadda. Might even see a bad habit or two and say, "Hey, how come you don't do X?" and we learn something too. It goes both ways.
My airplane is wandering out of town for the weekend with a co-owner again, but you're more than welcome to grab a ride anytime. I'll even come pick ya up somewhere if KAPA isn't convenient. It's an excuse to go burn some AvGas.
I chuckled at your CFI's comment about "getting beat up"... There are definitely some days like that out here. If you fly enough, you'll eventually hit one by accident. Turbulence will be forecast high aloft, and you'll think you can go somewhere underneath it, and it'll be a butt kicker all afternoon... It happens from time to time. The old instructor probably went over Va with ya?