Seattle Avionics

It definitely seems that pi$$ing off a significant portion of the existing user base is not the most brilliant marketing strategy. But I wonder…

Anyone have any idea the relative percentages of FlyQ users who subscribe annually vs those who bought the “lifetime” package?
All I recall is Steve being open that it was a small number of lifetime available and they sold quickly.
this is hilarious... i just sent an email to SA because a feature they advertised 'Document Library ' simply doesn't work... and they admitted it doesn't work and they then said 'maybe it will get fixed'.

My reply was 'maybe I'll renew'.

FlyQ is is meh. It's basically the Temu version of ForeFlight.

I hate being locked into an iPad I have no other use for, and iPads are trash to begin with.
The he documents library has been broken since day one