Seasonal Allergy Medicine



Curious to hear Dr. Chien's response and anyone else that may know: Any pilots take allergy medicine for seasonal allergies and had to jump through any hoops to get it approved? Wondering if something like Claritin D is approved to fly with whenever the pollen starts bothering me or if it needs special permission. Of course would check with my AME before beginning it but just curious to hear what I might hear from him anyway. Have also heard stories of medicines like Claritin D triggering urine tests so that's another concern if anyone could shed some light on that.
From both an efficacy and side effects perspective I’d highly recommend using the OTC nasal steroids, such as Flonase. Costco has generic versions of them at a very reasonable price. Basically zero side effects and very effective if used consistently. I’ve used them for years, always declare them, and have never had an issue.
The D part is an issue for PIC. Get the version without decongestant.
Allegra and Claritin are okay to fly with as long as they don't have the decongestant. Or so my memory says. I'm fine on either one. Zyrtec makes my a zombie.
The AOPA registry and AOPA specialist says Claritin D (Loratidine and Peseudoephedrine) says it’s allowed and to just declare at next medical. Is this wrong info? Also any insight as to this with urine tests?
The 'D' in Claritin/Allegra-D is pseudoephedrine ('Sudafed'), a stimulant that constricts the small vessels in the nasal passages thus opening the airway. I cannot find pseudoephedrine on the 'No-Go' list of meds. However, Zyrtec/Zyzal are both on the no fly list regardless whether the formulation contains pseudoephedrine or not.
It appears to me (as long as I'm not going crazy) that the ingredients in Claritin D are allowed. My main concern is if this was to trigger a positive urine test should I be randomly selected. I've read if it gets sent to the lab for a split sample they would see it as a false positive but an on-field drug test could show it as positive.
Another concern with Claritin-D is that it can elevate BP ...
I have been reporting various non-sedating antihistamines for years (hismanil, seldane, allegra, flonase) and it's never been an issue.
The AOPA registry and AOPA specialist says Claritin D (Loratidine and Peseudoephedrine) says it’s allowed and to just declare at next medical. Is this wrong info? Also any insight as to this with urine tests?
Pinecone posted a link to the FAA list above. Claritin D is fine as long as you don't have side effects. What type of drug test are you concerned about?
Worried about a DOT on the spot random urine test since I’m an airline pilot. I’ve read this could trigger it
Worried about a DOT on the spot random urine test since I’m an airline pilot. I’ve read this could trigger it
They can, as can a lot of OTC medications. The testing companies know this and screen for it. I haven't had any random DOT tests, but every drug screen I've had, they asked first what medications I was taking. And they can sort the positive because of Sudafed from the positive because of meth.
I use both Claritin and Flonase every spring and fall and have always reported it, with no issues. I just switched AMEs this last time and he did ask if was still taking them, but indicated it wasn't a problem either way.
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