Scary High Oil Temps - Lycoming 540

An engine monitor is a good move. The full Monty certified primary might be killing an ant with a sledgehammer, but hey, it's only money.
But it's disappointing not to get this ciphered out.

I love a good "whatdunnit".
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Personally, I would not install an engine monitor that wasn't a primary replacement. You can get rid of so much heavy, inaccurate garbage for just a little bit more money.

I agree with not throwing money at a problem, but I also think an engine monitor is a good investment even if he didn't have the problem.
Sometimes it is wise to punt. There is a problem. It needs to be fixed. Having a professional avionics installer do the work is a good move. This should fix it.
IMO if your gonna buy one, buy it from the installer.
Don't bring me your oil and filter if you want me to do a oil change. Or bring your steak to my restaurant for me to cook for you.
Shop for one while at Oshkosh but buy it from the installer.