Salty's Crash Speculation Thread

Looks like he kept flying the plane until the crash was over with. Good job. And chose not land on the road because of the amount of traffic. Good job. That all true @Salty ?
That appears to have come from the statement I gave to the sheriff on site. It's fairly accurate. I did have the option to land on 31, but it was a bad option due to the volume of traffic. After I had made that decision and we went a little further, I saw a high power line on the near side of the road. It would have been really bad had I tried to go for the road and not noticed the power line in time to change the plan.
Judging from the pictures you did a helluva job putting her down in a bad spot. My hat's off to you. I hope I can have as successful an outcome if my number ever comes up.
Judging from the pictures you did a helluva job putting her down in a bad spot. My hat's off to you. I hope I can have as successful an outcome if my number ever comes up.
You'll probably look for the nearest fire station and put er down there so you can be closer to some new fire hats:rofl::goofy:
That appears to have come from the statement I gave to the sheriff on site. It's fairly accurate. I did have the option to land on 31, but it was a bad option due to the volume of traffic. After I had made that decision and we went a little further, I saw a high power line on the near side of the road. It would have been really bad had I tried to go for the road and not noticed the power line in time to change the plan.
You did a really good job, brother!

That reaction request at the bottom of the ABC link seems a little, eh, salty.

And which one of you already responded with "Amused"??


Glad everyone’s OK though!
Looks like he came in from 'left of picture', then hit something with the right wing and spun clockwise (looking down). The left wing did not have any damage from the tree right behind it.
Good job. But, are we going to find out that he was hoping for the cheaper fuel at X06 and ran out getting there? I hope not.
Looks like he came in from 'left of picture', then hit something with the right wing and spun clockwise (looking down). The left wing did not have any damage from the tree right behind it.
Good job. But, are we going to find out that he was hoping for the cheaper fuel at X06 and ran out getting there? I hope not.
This is pretty good. For the record the plane still has fuel in it.
Wonder what orange trees go for these days? Juice/year/orange = 3Bonooneys?

Do you at least have the dubious honor of being the first incident of 2022?
Just gonna leaf this here and let others branch off...

@Salty glad to hear y'all are ok and that you seem to have a sense of humor about a sad situation. Like everybody has said, you and your wife are not replacable with insurance money. I would love for you to wait a couple of days (to see how many more corny jokes this group can come up with) and then give us a full run down. That would knock the socks off of all the other mishap speculation threads.
I know you must be traumatized and sad about the plane but you did a great job getting you both down safely. Good judgment and good stick and rudder skills.
I’m gonna need an extra large bag of popcorn if this keeps up. Was there a werewolf involved? Love me some werewolf stories…
He typed ORD into the GPS, and it led him to Orchard Field.
Time to update that database, @Juicy!

(Also, really glad you’re ok)
Wife still mad?

I'm willing to bet she isn't mad at all, but probably had the crap scared out of her. It takes a lot of trust for a wife or husband to get in these little machines, and that is probably shaken. But in reality training, currency and perseverance paid off here, and that trust was justified.
Orange you glad you concentrated and didn't get beaten to a pulp? Me too!

Seriously ... you did exactly what you had to do. Planes are replaceable, you fine folks are not. Good job young man!
Folks, the citrus jokes are amusing but I think it’s pretty clear the media has it wrong. He actually landed in a grove of orangutans.

I do hope the fallout is minimal. It takes a lot to get back into a situation that previously involved a traumatic experience. But from what I’ve heard (read: made up just now), this landing was one of Salty’s best so it shouldn’t really scare him or his wife away from flying again.
Quoting from Kathryn’s report:

This all could've ended very differently.
And the Pulitzer for understatement of the year goes to…

On a serious note, good work, @Salty. Nobody was seriously hurt. That should clear from your mind any second guessing about how you handled the situation. End of story.
Still thinking through the possibilities, but nothing apeeling is coming up.

No asos at Arcadia, but closest at Punta Gorda was reporting some pretty tight temp/dewpoints in the early morning. Around 11:30, it was 20/13, which is still serious carb icing threat on descent.
Salty, maybe some additional pics would give us some more things to say. Got any?