More now-deleted marketing references to exhilaration, apex powersports, and jet skis from the company website, saved in google's cache. Their bolding, not mine.
…the A5 was designed to compete in the world of powersports,
the apex product in the realm of ATVs, motorcycles, watercraft,
snowmobiles, and the like.
"Kirk explained that ICON’s goal was to
create a product that delivered the pure joy
and exhilaration of flying, an experience
that had been lost as airplanes became utili-
tarian tools. So rather than compete with
other aircraft, the A5 was designed to com-
pete in the world of powersports, to be the
apex product in the realm of ATVs, motor-
cycles, watercraft, snowmobiles, and the
like. Utility be damned.
As Steen Strand, the company’s co-
founder and chief operating officer puts it,
“No one goes to buy a jet ski and says, ‘I
want to buy a jet ski, and I need it to get
over to there.’ They get a jet ski because
they want to have fun.”"