The reason I think SS and Medicare should be means tested is people are living a LOT longer than they used to. The system as set up now is unsustainable, especially Medicare. Don't kid yourself. You didn't pay into the systems to support yourself in your old age. You paid in to support your parents! I suspect most of us are either Baby Boomers or whatever the BB kids' generation is. Baby Boomers supported our parents. Fortunately, there were a LOT of us, so the cost was spread around. I dislike that kind of generational cost-shifting, but it's already happened. Succeeding generations have been quite a bit smaller, meaning either us older folks who have done well are going to have to kick in by giving up some of our benefits or we're going to have to tax the heck out of the people who are still working. Or, more likely, both. Do you really want your kids' and grandkids' taxes to be a lot higher to support you in your old age?
Having said that, if I'd been able to take all the money I paid into SS and Medicare while working and invested it, I'd have approximately 3-4 times as much money as I have now and wouldn't need Medicare (I already don't "need" my SS payments to live on, but I'm sure not going to stop taking them, either).
By the way, one line I've been hearing from some politicians is that SS was intended as insurance, not as a retirement fund. That is a lie. My father was old enough to remember when SS was established and he said that it was definitely established as a federal retirement fund, NOT insurance.
So I don't buy the line "I paid in so I should get money out". Yeah, the government has screwed up, but that doesn't fix the situation. I'd rather have my benefits cut than taken away entirely, especially Medicare.
As far as loan forgiveness is concerned, I could not agree more. We know a young couple who worked their BUTTS off to pay off their student loans. To say they're ****ed that they could have dallied and have it all forgiven would be the understatement of the year. Forgive for teachers and nurses, maybe, but everyone else? No way!