Repeated Runway Incursions - Suggestions?


Anonymous Cactus

Situation: Aircraft fleet owner/pilot habitually drives his truck across an active runway as a shortcut to his hangars. Are these Runway Incursions, and are there any suggestions to stop this behavior (talking hasn’t worked, and he’s the biggest customer of the airport).
At my (uncontrolled) home field, people drive across the runway all the time to get from the hangars on one side to the FBO on the other. Stop, look both ways... no big deal.
I'm assuming this is at an uncontrolled airport. Are these incursions Category A, B, C, or D? (thanks Larry in TN for linking the definitions). Knowing the category would establish the significance of the threat. If I saw a vehicle crossing while I'm on the downwind, I wouldn't care. But on short final I'd be really concerned; especially if the crossing was in the first 1,500' of the runway. If a Cat A or B, I'd report it to the local FSDO. I suspect he's relying on vision alone to check for traffic.
Situation: Aircraft fleet owner/pilot habitually drives his truck across an active runway as a shortcut to his hangars. Are these Runway Incursions, and are there any suggestions to stop this behavior (talking hasn’t worked, and he’s the biggest customer of the airport).
Is he actually interfering with aircraft operations? That fact that you don't mention that gives me the impression that no, he's not.

Are you just upset with him that he's taking a shortcut?

There's nothing inherently wrong with operating a vehicle on a runway, it is done all the time and is a routine activity at some airports.
Check your state laws. In many states it is illegal to drive on a runway. Take a photo and call the police.
At my airport there are days where more cars and golf cars drive on the runway than aircraft. It’s not a big deal unless he’s not exercising appropriate caution when he’s doing it.
Had an issue the other day at my uncontrolled field. Former cfi and current corporate fo parked his car well beyond the hold short line to take pictures of his stol bro in a husky. When on base I ask the husky if that's a car on the taxiway....crickets. When I'm on short final I go around. He backs up slightly so he's not 10 feet from runway. But still beyond hold short. Had words with him after. " I didn't think I was that close".

Same kid took off in his rv4 earlier did a hot lap in the pattern, low pass over the runway, pull up and a few rolls. All at maybe 200'....inside the mode c veil.

Wasn't thinking of reporting him until he parked his car right next to the runway.

Could care less about cars crossing runways or using taxiway to get to hangar....until it effects the planes coming in to land.
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Situation: drives his truck across an active runway as a shortcut to his hangars. Are these Runway Incursions
Assuming this is an uncontrolled field and not hindering aircraft...nah.

I guess technically it'd be a category D...Incident that meets the definition of runway incursion such as incorrect presence of a single vehicle/person/aircraft on the protected area of a surface designated for the landing and take-off of aircraft but with no immediate safety consequences.
There is a local airport with a public road that crosses near the end of the runway. An incursion every time a resident crosses? No.

Another local airport had half of the tie downs on the far side of the runway, and no road, owners simply stopped well clear of the runway, looked both ways, and if clear, crossed. Friends flying with the owners parked on the street side, and walked across.

Non tower airports are generally attuned to loose ground operation rules, and expect the crossings to be done by pilots and with due regard to the primary use by airplanes.

If your guy is a pilot, think of him as taxiing a plane with the wings removed. As long as he yields to all aircraft, he should be fine. :)
Crossing the runway is the only way to the maintenance hangar at VKX. I've done it countless times.
We discourage people driving vehicles larger than a golf cart across our grass strip because it isn't good for the grass. I've been known to chase people down for that. We do have one lot that has its driveway just past the threshold.