Final Approach
...when it's marginal VFR and the pilot freaks out because he don't get the clearance right away because of traffic or is stuck under clouds AND the MVA/MIA and I gotta go through the whole "can you maintain your own obstruction clearance in the climb" boogie, and he ain't sure what I'm talking about. Then I wish he'd a got it on the ground.
IMO, it's a stupid question controllers are obliged to ask. It wastes critical time and doesn't serve safety. Everybody involved knows ATC can't control aircraft below controlled airspace, so obviously the pilot is on his or her own. The pilot probably got suckered into departing by ATC in the first place, "We can get you out quicker if you can depart VFR and claim your clearance in the air, ol' Buddy. You should be able to get us at pattern altitude." So, then you depart and it's "Stand by, we're a-workin on it right now. Might be a minute or two." Now, you're following the ODP in marginal VFR, but needing to level on account of the ceiling and steaming away from the airport at a pretty good clip. With your planned climb gradient out the window and no sectional chart in hand you begin to wonder if there's any towers out here in the boonies in all that haze. They should drop the legal inquisition and just issue the clearance pronto.Lol! I've had that before as well. Like pulling teeth.