oh for eff sake. The aero work is vaporware. Throw in book cutouts of "coke rule" (aka area rule) from your "aircraft design" motivational freshman class, 'lifting body' sophistry potato, and a couple of CFD renderings with garbage assumptions in there for good measure to impress the mouthbreathers. I could make that thing spit out 200KTAS for the Arrow too if I fiddled with it long enough LOL. Reminds me of the undergraduate aero engineering capstone project we had to entertain the second to last semester to graduating. Such pantomime, I swear if I didn't have scruples in life I'd be flying that PC-12 on sucker's money already. Lambs to the slaughter.
It's not complicated folks. You're not going to eek out the aerodynamic efficiencies you seek in 2018 by merely streamlining. The only way you get this outcome is a robust improvement in materials (they're not doing that, the construction work is literally amateurish, the materials selected run of the mill) or engine technology. And the latter is actually a regression imo as far as experimental powerplant applications go.
Just get a velocity and be done with it, as they'll be lucky to exceed performance by 20%, by my guess that egg doesn't even beat it.
The fact the ludicrously protracted chronology of events here doesn't strike folks as self-evidence is the only alarming thing to me. I've married a second time, had a child, and that child is learning math and writing in the time these folks started taking pictures next to a fiberglass tub resembling an airplane. A fool and their money.