Rant - Organic Peanut Butter

I just make up a new definition of a word I want to hijack and start using that when someone says "they changed the definition of blah blah blah". Oh so we can just start making up our own definitions when convenient? They tend to relent.
Nice try, but it appears that the word "organic" existed before the concept of organic chemistry.

The words organic and synthesis originate with Aristotle (meaning ‘instrumental’ and ‘put together’, respectively) but had different meanings over time. The iatrochemists prepared numerous pharmaceutical remedies in the 1600s but had no concept of organic chemistry. Buffon, Bergman and Gren defined organic bodies as living things in the 1700s, but discrete organic compounds remained unknown. In the late 1700s and early 1800s, organic natural products were isolated by Scheele, and Chevreuil separated carboxylic acids from saponification of fats. Organic chemistry had started.​

Organic means carbon-based. The chemistry of life.

Even them Styrofoam tasting rice cake thingies. Who came up with that idea ... but it probably sells a lot of peanut butter cause something has to give it flavor!
Depends on which definition you're using.


[/URL]or·gan·ic | \ ȯr-ˈga-nik

Definition of organic
(Entry 1 of 2)

1a(1) : of, relating to, yielding, or involving the use of food produced with the use of feed or fertilizer of plant or animal origin without employment of chemically formulated fertilizers, growth stimulants, antibiotics, or pesticides
//organic farming
//organic produce
(2) : of, relating to, or derived from living organisms
//organic evolution
b(1) : relating to, being, or dealt with by a branch of chemistry concerned with the carbon compounds of living beings and most other carbon compounds
//studied organic chemistry in college

These are backwards.

Facts are meaningless nowadays, I guess...

Organic chemist here. We must reject these johnny-come-lately made-up definitions, created by Whole Foods and the like as a marketing ploy to justify their higher prices.

Organic means carbon-based. The chemistry of life.

Damn right!
Crunchy or Creamy?

I'm Team Crunchy.
As am I, but my dear wife is Team Creamy, so we buy creamy. As my own peanut butter consumption has gone up in the past year, though, I think I'll pick up a jar of crunchy just to have my own. And of course when you're making peanut butter cookies, it's all about the superchunk.
Nice try, but it appears that the word "organic" existed before the concept of organic chemistry.

The words organic and synthesis originate with Aristotle (meaning ‘instrumental’ and ‘put together’, respectively) but had different meanings over time. The iatrochemists prepared numerous pharmaceutical remedies in the 1600s but had no concept of organic chemistry. Buffon, Bergman and Gren defined organic bodies as living things in the 1700s, but discrete organic compounds remained unknown. In the late 1700s and early 1800s, organic natural products were isolated by Scheele, and Chevreuil separated carboxylic acids from saponification of fats. Organic chemistry had started.​


Get back to me in 2400AD when it's been in use for 400 years. ;) Yeah, AD.

Not this CE/BCE crap (And I'm not even religious)
Haven't seen a good rant post in a long time. So here is one. Not as high quality as a good ol' fashioned Sac Rant Post, but still...

Organic Peanut Butter... WTF, right?

Taste - Excellent.
Ease of use - Holy mother of god herself what the actual hell with this stuff? It comes like epoxy in two completely separate forms that must be combined to get anything actually spreadable. Which I am pretty sure is only accomplished with some sort of industrial mixer.

How. In. The. Hell. Does anyone mix this stuff up to a consistency that is either not a.) just that oily layer on top or b.) that concrete-like layer of actual peanuts on the bottom????


The longer it sits on the grocery store shelf the harder it is to mix back together. Check the best by date, it should be almost a year out or longer. Take it home, store it upside down for a day or so. Open and stir with a spoon, start horizontally and gradually move to a vertical motion. Store in fridge to prevent reseparation.
Get back to me in 2400AD when it's been in use for 400 years. ;) Yeah, AD.

Not this CE/BCE crap (And I'm not even religious)
Yeah, pretending that our calendar has no relationship to a particular religion seems kind of silly. It doesn't mean we have to adopt any particular religious views.
Have had it. It's pretty good. And most certainly spreadable. But not the same in terms of taste as the 'real' organic stuff. Like the kind you get from Whole Food$ where they grind up the peanuts into the butter and then it immediately separates into oil and concrete... but tastes sooooo good.... if I could just get it mixed.
if that's what your after...wouldn't it just be easier to toss a few peanuts in your mouth and chew?

Something that might help is storing the peanut butter jar upside down.
doesn't that end up in the oil just sealed below the layer of cemented nut solids?
Jiff Reduced Fat. Hands down. Purd near as good as Nutella if you are a "scoop it out of the jar" person.
Doesn't that end up in the oil just sealed below the layer of cemented nut solids?

Amazingly, it doesn't. For whatever reason, it turns the cemented nut solids into a stir-able mass. I think it is because the oil has to basically seep through the nut solid to get to the top. It won't work if you just buy it from the store and leave it upside for six months, but if you turn it upside for two or three days, it will be malleable enough to mix into the oil.
Imma try the upside-down technique. Maybe it is that simple....
Haven't seen a good rant post in a long time. So here is one. Not as high quality as a good ol' fashioned Sac Rant Post, but still...
Organic Peanut Butter... WTF, right?

I won't eat ANYTHING organic. Shriveled up, tasteless, expensive.
I won't eat ANYTHING organic. Shriveled up, tasteless, expensive.

I generally agree with this... but organic (by the food-organic definition) is pretty good :D
I'm not concerned whether the peanuts are organically grown or not, but I do insist on the natural peanut butter. It is a PITA to mix up if it has separated, but the flavor's worth it. Mostly I use it to make sauces. I bought a jar of Simply Jif without reading the ingredient list, and it makes terrible sauces.

The ingredient list for peanut butter should be two items, peanuts and salt. Everything else is an adulterant.
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The ingredient list for peanut butter should be two items, peanuts and salt. Everything else is an adulterant.

Well, from a food processing point there are other things allowed. I won't go into it as this thread is about liking peanut butter ... :stirpot:
Maybe a flash over to the " you know you're getting old" thread, but I just can't stomach peanut butter anymore. Does bad things to the stomach. Kind of a recent phenomenon, maybe they changed the oil or an additive. Peanuts, no problem.

Might have to try the Jif low fat. Hate to give it up, but just can't deal with the side effects.
Maybe a flash over to the " you know you're getting old" thread, but I just can't stomach peanut butter anymore. Does bad things to the stomach. Kind of a recent phenomenon, maybe they changed the oil or an additive. Peanuts, no problem.

Might have to try the Jif low fat. Hate to give it up, but just can't deal with the side effects.

you know there was a jif recall for causing people to poop their pants, right?
Organic, non GMO, and gluten free is all marketing hooey. Gluten free vodka? No kidding! As long as it's not a flavored vodka its all gluten free. But let's stick that label on to sell more bottles to the idiots that don't know what gluten is.
Crunchy and even though I can afford any brand or version my go to is store brand Kroger hands down…just can’t get the MRE smooth stuff another favorite. Chemistry degree as well and it kills me how the word is used…
you know there was a jif recall for causing people to poop their pants, right?

Yeah, as a matter of fact our grocery store called us before we opened a jar. One of the benefits of those frequent shopper cards, I guess.
Anyway, it ain't that bad, but makes lactose intolerance look like a joyride.
No one is going to cheat you out of your daily allowance of antibiotics, pesticides, growth hormones and herbicides.
Thank goodness. It’s what made me the slightly damaged person I am today.
I have gotten over the complete lie that food marketing people have foisted upon the naive and gullible public with terms such as "Organic" food.

From a practical standpoint, I have yet to see convincing evidence that eating such labeled foods are better for any human, or that they help animals, or the environment.
you know there was a jif recall for causing people to poop their pants, right?

Way back when I was just a mere boy in military school, the grape jelly cured constipation. And the peanut butter cured diarrhea.

A PB&J would cause all kind of problems....or at least get a person out of morning formation...
I haven’t had an organic experience in over a week.

op, why not cut out the middleman and just masticate some roasted peanuts.
I have gotten over the complete lie that food marketing people have foisted upon the naive and gullible public with terms such as "Organic" food.

The fact that you disagree with something does not make it a lie.

From a practical standpoint, I have yet to see convincing evidence that eating such labeled foods are better for any human, or that they help animals, or the environment.

That's inconclusive, at best.
op, why not cut out the middleman and just masticate some roasted peanuts.
I'm not the OP, my my answer would be, "It's a different experience." Sometimes I feel like eating some peanuts; sometimes I feel like eating a peanut butter sandwich.

Similarly, sometimes I feel like eating an apple, and sometimes I feel like having some applesauce.