Questions about my first Colon Screening

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So I read online the procedure was not painful, just a bit uncomfortable, and a lot of people decline to be sedated.

As soon as he started........I knew I had made a huge mistake.

you have seen the film clip of the lion eating the hind quarters of the helpless animal as it waits to die.....that is exactly how I felt.

You declined to be sedated for a colonoscopy? That's nuts!! Propofol and all would have been well.
My doc got me a ColoGuard kit.

No prep - just "go" and "gone".
It’s not suitable for everyone, and has false results. Colonoscopy is highly recommended if there are other health indications or family history. Mom died of complications of colon cancer, so I’m on the 5 yr plan. Most people are on the 10 yr plan, so I’m surprised Mike is on the 5 yr plan.

Had the propofol version last time, never had any memory lapses.
It’s not suitable for everyone, and has false results. Colonoscopy is highly recommended if there are other health indications or family history. Mom died of complications of colon cancer, so I’m on the 5 yr plan. Most people are on the 10 yr plan, so I’m surprised Mike is on the 5 yr plan.

Exactly. It's not for everyone.

Just glad it was suitable for me, by the choice of my doc.
I had the gallon jug to drink. Here's what I did and subsequently had my wife do with great results:
  1. Make sure it's well mixed and cold;
  2. Pinch your nose closed then chug as fast as you can. Pretend you're cleanup position on your college fraternity chugging team;
  3. Keep nose pinch closed, then pop a 1/4 stick of peppermint gum and start chewing;
  4. Release pinch on nose.
Made the worst part pretty much a non-event.
This thread gives me hope. I am no where close the age where this is a routine test but my grand pa was diagnosed and was dead at 49 thanks to the colon cancer, so i am kinda overdue for this test and have been delaying it for a year now. i just now sent an email to my docs office requesting that someone looks up my fat arse....
I had the gallon jug to drink. Here's what I did and subsequently had my wife do with great results:
  1. Make sure it's well mixed and cold;
  2. Pinch your nose closed then chug as fast as you can. Pretend you're cleanup position on your college fraternity chugging team;
  3. Keep nose pinch closed, then pop a 1/4 stick of peppermint gum and start chewing;
  4. Release pinch on nose.
Made the worst part pretty much a non-event.
My prep med is shown toward the top of the thread. Two rounds, many hours apart, of 6 ounces of a concentrate, diluted with water to make a 16oz solution. Chug that followed by 32 oz of water over next 60 minutes.

And 36 hours prior to reporting to surgery center, clear liquid diet only.

Today I am on the "limited" diet that emphasizes no dietary fiber.
I will eat my foot off if i have to live on liquid diet (and not Vodka) for whole 36 hrs :(
This is the instructions they provided. Gatorade is permitted as long as there are no red or purple food colorings

For a chicken broth alternative, I found Simply Asia's Soy Ginger broth.


This stuff is really good! Click the image to see it as a 6-pack on Amazon.
Woke up during my last procedure, was not happy

I know they want to use the minimum anesthesia, but waking up during? yowza.

I sort of remember waking up after my appendectomy ( burst appendix, so they had to split me open like a fish ). I vaguely remember them pulling tubes out of of my throat, but it's so hazy that it's hard to know if it actually happened. I don't even remember if I mentioned it to anyone afterward. It was just for a second, then I was out again until I woke up back in my room.
Interesting that you're limited to clear liquids for 36 hours. I "Cleansed" the night before my probe and had the procedure the next morning.

Here's a gross story...

A pilot buddy worked for Olympus. He was a local rep for proctoscopes or whatever they call the camera device. If a doctor had a problem with the equipment, my friend would visit the clinic and try to fix the situation. One common complaint that would have him making a field trip was "poor picture quality".

"Um, doc, if your assistants would do a better job cleaning the scope between procedures..."
This thread gives me hope. I am no where close the age where this is a routine test but my grand pa was diagnosed and was dead at 49 thanks to the colon cancer, so i am kinda overdue for this test and have been delaying it for a year now. i just now sent an email to my docs office requesting that someone looks up my fat arse....
Very wise. A really good friend of mine passed away from this 3yrs ago, he was in his late 40's. He had a family history and put it off. One day on a trip out of the country he got really, really sick. He was diagnosed immediately after he arrived home. Lots of chemo never got it as it had spread too far.

I will eat my foot off if i have to live on liquid diet (and not Vodka) for whole 36 hrs :(
The stuff tastes crappy. You know what would be even eat some food after drinking all that stuff and then show up. They see food in there and make you do it all over and come back in again.

Another PITA for this procedure is the scheduling. People try to get in at the end of year and all the good times are booked. So they offer you a time like 6pm. Probably not the worst time for you but how many has the doctor and anesthesiologist done by then.
interested to know the experience, i will be going thru this in Oct...
interested to know the experience, i will be going thru this in Oct...
((in his best Walter Cronkite voice))

"This is AggieMike Eighty-Eight, reporting live outside of the throne room of the Farlow household. Here are counting down to lift off where just a few minutes ago, the fuse was lit when Mr. Farlow chugged down his first dose of prep...."
interested to know the experience, i will be going thru this in Oct...

The Dr's office just called me and scheduled me for Dec. 12th! Geez, if there was anything wrong it could go from curable to terminal in 3 months! :eek:
Minor downside to day's liquid only diet.... I am hungry as all every!

It took awhile for the mixture to kick in but when it did, perched like a crawfish before boiling.:)

He removed a few pods with a device that looped around the pod and then he just kinda pinched it off. No pain at all.
Jeff Foxworthy's video about the "prep" is very accurate, had mine done 3 weeks ago, the procedure itself was painless.
I'm good for 10 years until the next one.
Houston, we have liftoff!

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The prep solution once mixed had a faint fruit punch odor. Drinking it, the fast wasn’t too bad, but definitely cough syrup mediciney flavor on back of tongue, but that was easily dealt with with a few swigs of water.

Now my dog is wondering why I’m stationed in a camp chair in the hallway next to the loo and not in my usual living room easy chair. Since I don’t know his sudden the initial need is going to be, I figure I’m money ahead by shortening the running distance.

After this round of throne contemplations, next instruction is to take the last dose of anti nausea tablet before bed. Then up early early for second glass of prep. Allow that to... ummmm.... pass. Then report to medical center by 8:15am for my 9:00am procedure.
Out of sheer curiosity, I stepped on my scale that can also measure bone/muscle mass and water weight.

Water weight is currently 49.8%. Going to re-weigh in the AM before leaving to surgery center to see what amount of change the prep causes.
"off to bed" ….. you won't get any sleep. Remember the mantra that old guys live by: "Never trust a fart" :)… been there.
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