There was a report circulating last fall from, I believe, Cubcrafters in which they tested engine analyzers from EI, JPI, and one other. The conclusion relating to EI was that their standard ungrounded bayonet CHT probes showed temperatures up to 50 degrees F lower than grounded probes from JPI and the other supplier.
I did some looking online and was able to find a reference to the probe type that was used by Lycoming in certifying my O-360, and it was a grounded type. So to be safe, I add 50F to the CHT reading of my EI CGR-30P engine analyzer.
I believe in the likelihood of a EI low CHT bias because my Tiger gives me readings much like yours. Even in the hottest summer day in climb my hottest CHT didn't reach 335F. 30-50F hotter (365-385F) is a more credible temperature range. In the winter, peak CHTs range from 285-305F.
So be a little careful with your EI UBG-10 CHTs. If they use the standard ungrounded EI probes, they could be reading 50F low.