Question about LOP

An IO-360 typically has no problem running smooth 20° or more LOP, if it does, it needs injector work.

Doesn't help me with "lean until rough, then a few turn richer" as the engine continues to run fine, just the single probe EGT climbs then falls off. I assume then that I'm LOP, then I enrichen as our MO is not a subscriber to LOP operations and the Cessna POH prohibits it. I've been pushing for an engine monitor, which I believe can over-ride the prohibition. far lean are you able to go?

If you can make it 40-50 deg it's probably in conformance.....
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Doesn't help me with "lean until rough, then a few turn richer" as the engine continues to run fine, just the single probe EGT climbs then falls off. I assume then that I'm LOP, then I enrichen as our MO is not a subscriber to LOP operations and the Cessna POH prohibits it. I've been pushing for an engine monitor, which I believe can over-ride the prohibition.

If it stays smoth, the way to do it correctly with no instrumentation is by sound and IAS. If you want the greatest efficiency, do the big pull and get lean then keep leaning until airspeed takes a strong dive and the engine starts to sound and feel wheezy. Then richen up easily and suddenly the speed will surge and the engine picks up some throatiness to its voice. That's your best economy cruise engine mixture, right when it comes up on the pipe.
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Ron- Looks like I've got an area of uncertainty to add to the training list.