Proud owner of my first kidney stone...

70% calcium oxalate and 30% calcium phosphate in the kidney stone. Diagnosis: not enough water. Good it's something I can fix. 64 oz of water per day minimum...
70% calcium oxalate and 30% calcium phosphate in the kidney stone. Diagnosis: not enough water. Good it's something I can fix. 64 oz of water per day minimum...

Good. As long as it's just one, you're ok. Hope your first stone is your only stone. If you get more, you'll need to go onto extensive monitoring...I've heard a urologist call it quackery because of the number of rads they were forcing someone to suck up trying to figure out what was going on with his stones.

More painful than childbirth. I've met many women who are glad to have had a second child, but I've never met anyone who would willingly have a second kidney stone.
Are KS more prevalent in males than females? Or is it an even distribution.
GF's dad said he knew big guys who got shot in Iraq and walked it off... later got a kidney stone (heat and dehydration in the desert) and absolutely could not take the pain.

The info I got from the Urologist:
We have received your stone analysis. This shows us that your stone is composed mostly of calcium oxalate. You are encouraged to increase your fluids, begin a low sodium diet, reduce or use in moderation dairy product (2 or less servings a day) and to avoid the foods listed below if possible. This will help decrease the risk of stone formation. If you have any other questions, please feel free to call us.

Foods high in Oxalate

Baked beans in tomato sauce
Beans (green, wax or dried)
Chard, swiss
Dandelion greens
Mustard greens
Peppers, green
Potatoes, sweet
Summer squash

Currants, red
Fruit cocktail
Grapes, Concord
Lemon peel
Lime peel
Orange peel

Cola beverages
Draft beer
Fruit cake
Peanut butter
Pepper (more than 1tsp/day)
Soybean crackers
Soybean curd (tofu)
Tomato Soup
Vegetable Soup
Wheat germ
The doc said that drinking more water will reduce the need to cut back on these foods. He also said that if I drink the half gallon of water per day that they recommend at a bare minimum, I could go to town on this list and have nothing to worry about.
You have a doctor's order to never have to eat Kale again. You should feel blessed. That crap isn't edible. Haha.
RE: Hydration...

1) The urologists I've had have all emphasized that's the single most important factor.

2) When out and about I usually take my CamelBack with ice water in it, including on longer motorcycle rides, road trips in the car and virtually every bicycle ride.

3) The key is to drink before you're thirsty.

4) Plain water is a bit boring after a while. I like lemonade, but its loaded with sugar. So I buy the Minutemaid brand and dilute it about 4:1 with water, resulting in "lemon water". Fill three vodka bottles with the brew every night, and in the summer usually about finish all three in a day:


Final asides...

No way I could avoid all the items on that list (same one I got for the same stones). As a vegetarian, I get a lot of my protein from cheese and eggs, and of course we eat a LOT of vegetables.

And my doctors have me on Potassium Citrate (Urocit - 10 meq 3x per day). It seems to slow down the formation of stones, and more recently the one I had blasted seemed to dissolve into sand-like particles when blasted rather than larger chunks.

Anyway, as annoying as all this is, among ailments its one of the most easily treated - mainly a plumbing problem. Looked at that way, I'm grateful I'm not plagued by anything worse.

Good luck!
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The info I got from the Urologist:

The doc said that drinking more water will reduce the need to cut back on these foods. He also said that if I drink the half gallon of water per day that they recommend at a bare minimum, I could go to town on this list and have nothing to worry about.

That sounds just like the list my guy gave me.
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