Prebuy next 2 days - help me with cold feet

Pulled the trigger, horse left the barn, etc.

Gonna turn the prebuy into an annual (due Aug 2017 anyway).

Hoping to be able to fly back down and do owner-assist maint., then fly it home after transition training (or maybe fly home with transition pilot, then send him on airliner).

Gotta transfer funds to escrow, and arrange insurance tomorrow.

What have I done...
Source? I thought he owned a global express.

Googled it and you're right eggman.

Congratulations and welcome to aircraft ownership...:cheers:
I've noticed a lot of 182s have long props.

A friend of mine seems to fly young eagle rides with his 177B all year, and the prop is beat to **** every year I look at it. Point is, I don't want longer props lol.
Looks nice! Congrats and thanks for the inspiration! Fingers crossed I'll be joining you soon!
Find a good A&P/IA that you can TRUST, and it becomes a lot easier. However, those "gotcha" annuals, or non-planned repairs can kill that $1K/month budget in a heartbeat as others have said. I had a $21K annual once, and I think the mechanic I took it to (changed mechanics because I moved) took me to the cleaners.
man i can imagine how you feel. ive been putting money in a bank account for a while waiting to buy one and start training. that things gonna go low quick lol. but its worth the experience and the doors it opens!! Im just hoping I have as much luck renting the thing out. the more hours it flys with other people paying for it.. the more i can fly without paying for it.
Love your new airplane! That thing will do just about everything well. :) I had a C-185 for many years, still miss it.
Nice looking plane, congrats! Ive never regretted buying my Cherokee. Wife and I love it! You will love owning just don't keep tabs on expenses..hehe
Thanks all.

Can I do better than a $1650 insurance quote? I'm low time, no IR, and hangaring. I figured that was pretty reasonable. Tried Avemco (expensive) and this quote was from Falcon.
Try contacting Chris Wolbert <>. 1-877-247-7767