Been thinking about posting these for ages. I just happen to be on the desktop today. I am old, these are old photos. I took them when I worked as an Instrumentation Engineer for Department of Navy Flight Test out of Pax River maybe around 1998. This was from the aircraft carrier Eisenhower during a post dry dock shake down cruise off shore Virginia. I had an old Minolta with a long lens, I took them from Deck 8 or 9. The A6 aircraft was probably not in service long after this cruise. It was treat for me because the A6 was the first aircraft I ever worked on as a USMC ejection seat parachute rigger in 1974.
There are probably other threads that I've started that I need to see what folks said too! I'm still involved full time and always seem to be busier than a one armed paper hanger.
Sometime around 1992 I was working at a part 145 Repair Station in Miami's corrosion corner. PanAm Express bought 10 brand new Jetstream 32s and had us maintain them to compete with Eagle. I wound up being the overnight maintenance crew lead for 10 of these airplanes, nobody else thought it was worth the extra $2. an hour. Flights operated out of what was then the Echo Remote, a stand alone building on the ramp that passengers had to take a bus to get to. The SST was right behind us a couple times a week.
I took this first one at a Historic Flight Museum "fly day" last spring. The last 2 are of a derelict C-47 at Arlington airport from a couple of years ago. The plane is still there.