They're all awesome, so it sucks when I can't give them something they ask for. Like, we were out doing approaches (VFR) at night. Obviously an accident somewhere, 'cause the major highway through town is backed up for miles. Approach asked if we could see it, but the snarl started well west of where we were. Small thing, but they hardly ever ask.
I was able to relay a message for ATC once. And I'd had enough instrument training I didn't totally screw it up ("Please tell N9999 IFR cancellation received, etc."). Was happy to help.
Was positioned to land on 36L, an airliner had taken the runway and then told tower they'd need another minute. I was on <1 mile final, but still plenty of time to offer to side step to 36R. Guy seemed happy I offered, cleared me to land 36R.
A couple of times now, they've let me land long so I'd have a shorter taxi to my hangar. -That's- fun. I'm not sure how you're supposed to it, but I just slow flight down the runway a couple hundred feet up, then pull the power and finish landing normally. Fun.
Right after I'd bought the plane, and still not comfortable with ATC in general, my xponder quits on flight following. I'm afraid I won't be allowed back in to the class C (and my car). Tell approach the problem. He's all "No problem. When you get 30 miles out, we'll identify with radar vectors."
Told clearance delivery I was going to do some sight seeing in the area in and around their airspace, could we get flight following? "Sure! No problem. Just let us know when you're ready to come back."
Staying patient and professional while I botch approach after approach in between commercial and military traffic using same runway.
I was on flight following with center approaching a class D. I had the field in sight from 40+ miles out (really clear day), and called up to cancel. Center said there were multiple primary targets between me and my destination. I could cancel now or stay with him until I'm closer. I happily remained on flight following. I thought I was doing him a favor by cutting his workload, but since he offered...
Around here, we do not let our transponders warm up, we "recycle" them. Or so I've heard. You know. From friends. With transponders. That... needed recycling. Yeah.
Controllers are awesome.