Please delete. Problem solved

That has a very phallic quality to it.
I had a tempe sandwich for lunch, and it was delicious. Home fermented tempe with home made sourdough bread. Yum.
Are you trying to say Tempeh?
I've seen it spelled both ways. Indeed it's an Indonesian word, so ours is just a transliteration and subject to some interpretation. I think you knew the food to which I was referring.
I was going to have a tempeh sandwich, but I can't find it.

So basically, I lost my tempeh.
Hey can someone help me? for some reason Flash isn't working on my computer. Please delete if this isn't allowed.

Breakfast at the Three Zero Cafe at KHAF, before it closed.

I didn't actually fly there, as many times as I had before, but it was literally the only breakfast place in the entire town. Consequently, it seemed like the entire town was there.
I once won a chili competition (in the "other" category) with a recipe I called my "Tempe Tempeh Chili" (completely vegetarian). Now I always refer to that as my "Award-Winning" Tempeh Chili recipe.
He can be found on a forum that cannot be mentioned on POA.

Well I guess it's not the forum that I thought you were talking about, because his last activity over there was in 2020 as well. Are we talking about the unmentionable forum that replaces the forum this place used to have that we can't talk about?
Nice. What did you cook it in/on?
Baker's stone in the oven at 550F - about the same size as the cutting board in the photo. I did a 2 minute pre-bake on the dough only, loaded up the toppings, then about 8 more minutes.
I'm surprised no one has commented on 1'14" being 2'2"... And that's a lot... Subtracting from 6' would be 3'10"

This could have been a really great omelet. It was supposed to have had filet mignon and shrimp. Except they forgot the filet mignon and shrimp.
Hmm, 6 months later now I have a craving for flank steak. Talk about a cut you don’t see anymore, at least not around here.
We have it, and I will occasionally make it ("Hanger Steak.") It's not my first choice, but it's not bad at all. It's also something you don't see in restaurants, but Mustard's Grill in Napa has it as a specialty.