Some have asked:
Left engine overhauled and installed December 1997 by G&N Aircraft at Griffith Airport, Looks like she's closer to 800hrs now than 700.
Right engine overhauled August 1989 by Land Air Associates, 1850hrs
ACTT 4800
Prop AD 97-18-02 complied with last year so 4 more years until next inspection (new blades on last inspection because she still had blades from the early 80s and were shaved to limits previously -- props done by the prop shop in Wheeling, IL 2005 and Maxwell Air Service prop shop in Minnesota 2011).
Within the last 12 calendar months:
New generators and votlage regulators left and right
15-year / 1500hr Heater Overhaul AD
pitot-static/transponder test
new digital tachs L & R (Electronics International model)
It has a built-in oxygen console (no bottle) that I haven't used
The annual wraps up this coming week (the only squawk was a cylinder w/ low comp., that's getting OH'd atm).
For anyone seriously wanting multi-time consider this bird. The typical trainer/renter from flight schools these days is the seminole which will be around $300~$350/hr wet. This Apache has consistently burned 11gph +/- 1 in cruise via lean until rough and then enrich until smooth (yay carbs). During training flights with time spent full-rich during maneuvers I'd get 15gph.
So with the annual done, assuming even 15gph at $6/gal, flying 50 hours, then selling this bird for something even as low as 15k (crazy low, but to illustrate the fast-sale-ability as a trainer price), this plane would pay for itself compared to rentals in 38 flight hours. Lean her out to 11gph and it pays for itself in about 34 hours.
Lastly, why am I selling? My flight mission has changed, I'll be buying a Cherokee 6 after I sell the Apache. So, if anyone with one is interested in going twin and selling their Cherokee 6, send me a pm.